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Doug stated that he believes the bond process is "loose" , there is <br /> "no alarm" for when they expire. He believes it should be Anne <br /> (Shaw). who notifies the Planning Board and Building Department 30 <br /> days before they expire. <br /> Tom' s office Will get copies of the latest special -permits to Doug. <br /> DISCUSSION of WILLOWBEND SPECIAL PERMIT <br /> Tony Ferragamo stepped down. <br /> Mr. Welch and Attorney Michael Dunning were present. <br /> The Board gave copies of Charlie Rowely' s report to Mr. Dunning and <br /> Mr. Welch. There Was also a letter from Jae Reardon, Town Counsel , <br /> which the Board gave to Mr. Dunning and Mr. Welch. <br /> The Board and applicant reviewed the letter. <br /> Pat pointed out a section which states : No notice was ever given to <br /> the Board about change in record ownership. Sentry and Evergreen <br /> have same address , if Mr. Welch is either Director, officer of , or <br /> Employee of Evergreen then the point of improper notice 'is moot. <br /> Mr. Welch stated that he is an officer of Evergreen Corp. <br /> Mr. Dunning stated that Mr. Butler Who negotiated the agreement <br /> With Mr. Reardon has been trying unsuccessfully to reach him (as <br /> acknowledged in the letter) . Rather than try to discuss this <br /> letter this evening, he suggests a meeting be set up between Mr. <br /> Reardon, Mr. Butler, Mr. Rirrane and Mr. Welch and a member of the <br /> Planning -Board. <br /> Judy stated that it is Town Counsel ' s opinion that the Board did <br /> file proper notice. <br /> The applicant now has a punchlist of items to be completed from <br /> .Charlie. <br /> Judy asked if they are prepared to have a cost estimate of these <br /> items? <br /> Mr. Welch stated that most of it is on the Lawrence Lynch estimate . <br /> Judy stated that it should be an itemized estimate referring to <br /> Charlie ' s list. <br /> Judy stated that at the last meeting Mr. Kirrane discussed putting <br /> up a L/C for the road work but she doesn' t recall haw the treatment <br /> plant security Was going to be handled. <br /> Mr. Welch stated that they -will put up a L/C for the roadwork plus <br /> 150%. He asked if the Board would entertain an L/C for the cost of <br /> the treatment plant? <br /> Pat stated that a letter of credit is fine but one from Sentry is <br /> not appropriate. <br /> Mr. Welch stated that he can assure them they will not get a Letter <br /> of Credit from anyone other than Sentry. <br /> Pat stated that Torn Counsel has addressed this and a thin d party <br /> should be issuing the security. A letter of credit from Resolution <br /> Trust will be no good. <br />