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MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES <br />October 3, 1990 <br />Meeting commenced at 6:30 P.M. <br />Members Present. Judy Mills, Louise Behrman, Pat Coffey, Wayne <br />Coffey, Tony Ferragamo <br />Also Present: Tom Fudal a, Town Planner <br />Judy Mills called the meeting to order. <br />SPECIAL PERMIT <br />Discussion of Willowbend Special Permit. <br />Tony Ferragamo stepped down. <br />Judy explained that Mr. Welch ( from Sentry Bank) will not be before <br />the Board again until things have calmed down a little. <br />Mr. Kirrane is not authorized by Resolution Trust to represent <br />them. <br />Pat stated that he would like the Board to have a draft prepared of <br />their comments for the "new" bank. <br />Louise stated that she discussed this With Leslie Morse, Assistant <br />Town Counsel, and she will prepare something to put the bank on <br />notice. Louise will follow up With Leslie. The Board would like <br />Leslie to do whatever is necessary to be done. <br />Jillian Newton was present on behalf of Mr. Jan Baker, She asked <br />i-f Town Counsel will notify RTC that Mashpee is a creditor of --Xfhe <br />bank?. e <br />The Board explained that they will be doing that. <br />Ms. Newton has spoken with Judith Burnett who is now running the <br />bank and she explained to Ms. Newton that anything that is in <br />writing will be dealt with eventually. <br />The Board suggested Town Councel's correspondence to Sentry be <br />copied to Mr. Baker. <br />Jillian also asked if Town Councel would detail the retention <br />agreement to Sentry (Re s louti on Trust) ? <br />Louise stated she will convey Mr. Baker's concerns to Leslie Morse <br />and she can use her judgement as to What should be sent. to Sentry. <br />Tom asked what is the present relationship between Evergreen and <br />the Bank? <br />Wayne stated that they are probabley being run by Resolution Trust <br />since they were a Wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank_ <br />Jillian Newton stated that Mr. Baker appreciates all the efforts <br />the Board has made on this matter. <br />BOARD ITEMS <br />Signature of Vote on Amendment to Special Permit f or S tratf olfd <br />Ponds. <br />-- 1 - <br />