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was an agreement f or the Planning Board and RTC to look at t1iE: <br /> issues to see what can be done to gi ve r ona�le c�inl- :1 1. <br /> both RTC/deve-loper and the Planning Boar d/ the t�:r•� ; <br /> and. to try to co�`r'�e up �If <br /> -Ti th some answers . <br /> Tom added that when the lots were released f each one had a <br /> restriction stating that when sewer lines were available th%:Y <br /> would have to tie into that system. <br /> Louise stated that it was believed to be a <br /> situation. <br /> Mr. Rirrane explained that it did not come on lilie when -intende <br /> because of a decision by DEP that sewage treatmeant pia-xts cold <br /> not service si.?ngle family development . He did suppy.;, Board <br /> with correspondence from and Board of Health, prev:i.ous 1 y. DEP <br /> was waiting completion of a generic EIR which still has not been <br /> cony-oleted. <br /> Mr. Butler stated that at the meeting it was recognized this was <br /> a complex situation even before the takeover and now added to <br /> that is all the requirements and regulation)-s of RTC.- It is a <br /> public entity and the people in Hyannis only have lii .ite ' :7- els <br /> of authority. Approvals are needed to hire any expe�.-ts ow- <br /> consultants . <br /> There are some regulatory requirements which get in the way of <br /> tatisfying some of the Board's requests , for instance any <br /> contract of more than S25 , 000 t to finish the roadways) must go <br /> out to bidding process. <br /> Mr. Butler did present a bid from Nat-done (which is based on <br /> Charlie Rowley' s list of work to be completed) and it totaled <br /> $97 . 2-0. Under RTC guidelines, Letters of Credit n It viaby-e . <br /> They suggested a. short term solution f or the road wo k. Tree <br /> local. RTC group has recommended that rec ional R'�'L pl%=.c'e <br /> escrow a sum equal to a contract to comDl e to th;:: road r��:�r aw;�d <br /> then complete the bidding process , a+ad tilen oa=.1-11qu <br /> Mr. Butler stated that the sewage treatmynt. plant is a. nta L.teIt- <br /> that they cannot give a solution to this evenii+g but thaa y are <br /> working on some aspects . RTC ' s goal is to continue to tak : steins <br /> nec;es s ary to kee-D t)er'mi t in plac` and to 11 -1 <br /> t -t <br /> the Special Permit as it exists . At the same tiia,e r the L <br /> statutory objective i s to liquidate all assets of Sentry a v <br /> Bank. There have been ongoing discussions with third <br /> inter&E:steu in the yp z oect Th Y � � <br /> . L+;.i LOU- <br /> There <br /> is nothing yet agreed upon. <br /> One solution is to require that the prospective purchaser m z t <br /> post security as agreed upon to ensure the S T P planes t wili :::e <br /> completed. It has also been sugges red putting a ti.litie dead1-Li::.= r by <br /> which time the plant would have to be built and when it was built- <br /> it would have to meet state the art plans . R"17C is to 3- n,u th s <br /> matter very seriously and they want to give a showing of ..;oo d <br /> faith as +i.uch as they can. <br /> 2 <br />