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deed but there will probably be a f creclosure of the <br /> subsidiary. <br /> The Bank has been maintaining the project since last <br /> November. They have tried to put together a group of peoPle <br /> to work on it: <br /> Arlene Wilson - working on sewage treatment plant. <br /> 4 major issues are the roads , the sewage. treatment plan, <br /> golf course membership and phasing of the project . <br /> Louise explained that there has been some dumping of asphalt <br /> and paint cans etc. on the site and is obvious it has cop,,.-% <br /> from the site. <br /> Judy asked what they are looking for from the Board? <br /> Mr. Schuck stated that they will have to present a new <br /> phasing schedule and would like to know the concerns of the <br /> Board and they can then allocate resources to it. <br /> Tarn stated that form of security is the primary issue . The <br /> Board had 3 .2 million and he not sure what it is now, it was <br /> retention of mortgage funds . <br /> Mr. S chuck will have to go back and r evi ew t- if they are <br /> obligated they will do it. <br /> Mr. welch stated that it is -his understanding that it <br /> covered specific work and a good part of it has been done . <br /> Tom explained that Mr . Hostetter was responsible for 50% of <br /> engineering and 50% of construction costs for old Mill Road <br /> intersection and they have received 50% for engineering. <br /> Charlie -stated that they should check on the situation of <br /> leaching basins near golf course entrance on Quiniguisset <br /> Ave. They were supposed to be re--design proposals if the <br /> basins were not working but Charlie does not know what threa <br /> present situation is . <br /> Mr . welch stated that the main road is in a finished state <br /> except for the top coat but they don' t want to do that knc w <br /> because of the large amount of construction to be done . <br /> Their priority is getting other roads north of 0ulni'qu].s:�et <br /> in better shape , the rest of the roads will tie into the- <br /> phasing of the project . <br /> Treatment plant - they need a better understanding of <br /> the permitting stands . <br /> There are 84 single family lots approved for title 1.76 <br /> Judy stated that is an interim situation and there .gill be <br /> no more releases . All approval is based on understanding it <br /> will go on treatment. <br /> Kevin stated that they are willing to cooperate wi�h a <br /> regional plant situation if it is workable. <br /> Judy stated that the adjustment of the phasing is not a <br /> complicated issue . <br /> 7 <br />