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<br /> <br />Contracts 2 and 3 were awarded to Robert B Our Co., Inc. of Harwich, MA. They will be placing <br />the mains and will be starting on Carleton Street off of Asher’s Path. Traffic will be affected on <br />Rte. 28 once they begin placing the mains across it. <br /> <br />Mr. Jack has met with the School Department and DPW relating to the affect the project will <br />have on the school bus routes. <br /> <br />There will be construction schedules and progress schedules posted once they become <br />available. <br /> <br />Chair Smith stated that he would like to have a groundbreaking ceremony sometime before <br />Thanksgiving and Mr. Jack said he will have more information regarding it at the next meeting. <br /> <br />2. Any further discussion on connecting developments on existing wastewater treatment <br />to Town Sewer. <br />Mr. Jack stated that there are approximately a dozen existing wastewater systems scattered <br />around the Town and that to get into the Town taking them over is a large undertaking and his <br />main focus at this time is the current Town sewer system project and the re-phasing of the <br />future of the project. This is an issue that will eventually come to the surface. <br />The Commission had a discussion and feel that this is out of the scope of Phase 2. <br /> <br />Mr. Towle made a motion to deem this agenda item out of the scope of Phase 2 and will be <br />up for discussion in Phase 3. <br />Meredith Harris seconded the motion. <br />The motion was passed by unanimous consent. <br /> <br />Mr. Towle inquired about acquiring funding to be able award all of the alternates. <br />Mr. Jack stated that the final bid coming in on August 11th at approximately 8 million dollars <br />th <br />more than anticipated, the deadline to file for SRF funding being August 12, a request of 12 <br />million dollars was submitted. This amount will come down over time. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />1. Debrief with Ray Jack of October 11, 2022 public informational meeting and discussion <br />of further public outreach methods. <br />It was stated that the overall informational meeting went well. Mr. Jack said he feels he was <br />able to get the information of what is about be happening out to the residents of the Town that <br />were in attendance. <br /> <br />Mr. Jack stated that he is very impressed with the level of technology that the Town has <br />selected for the plant. It is a membrane biological reactor that is capable of removing 75% of <br />the contaminants. It is one of the more cost and environmentally effective systems. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />