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[Agenda topic 4] Boat Ramp Repair <br /> 1 Discussion: The boat ramp repair is a number I priority for the State. They plan for 2 floats. The beach to <br /> i the north will become a rain water collection site with plantings for a rain garden. The wash station is still <br /> under discussion. The plan will be finalized by spring of 202') but how far the work will progress before <br /> spring is questionable. <br /> Conclusion: The ramp repair is proceeding. <br /> [Agenda topic 5] Harbormaster <br /> Discussion: Robert Tomaino, Mashpee Harbormaster. emailed the report of his season which began <br /> August 3, 2022. He reported a steady amount of traffic from both boats and PCWs,especially on <br /> weekends. He said throughout the season,"my personnel were responsive and proactive in dealing with <br /> excessive noise, repeat offenders and general calls for service on the lake." There were no major <br /> incidents. Some citations were written. The swim buoys around the lake still need to be removed for the <br /> Conclusions: The 2022 boating season is nearly over. <br /> (Agenda topic 6) Alliance Make a Splash Swim <br /> Event <br /> Discussion: Twelve of fifteen swimmers who left Attaquin Beach on Septemberl I th completed the 2.5 <br /> mile swim to Ryder Beach, including Ashley Fisher our DNR head. The event brought awareness to the <br /> declining health of the pond, as there was much more interest than last year, and hopefully more people <br /> will be involved in helping to protect the the health of the pond/. <br /> Conclusions: The swim event was a success. <br /> (Agenda topic 71 Fall Newsletter <br /> Discussion: Don contributed an article on the 2023 plans for a new boat ramp and Barbara presented the <br /> newsletter as completed so far. She had articles on the new Harbormaster, lake levels,Lowell Holly <br /> season, the beach sampling program and cyanobacteria status. <br /> Conclusions: The newsletter is in progress. <br /> JAgenda topic 81 Liaison <br /> Discussion: Our committee is without a liaison since Andrew Gotlieb resigned from the Select Board. <br /> Barbara called the Town Manager's office two months ago to request one be assigned, <br /> Conclusions: MVvTMC needs a liaison. <br /> 7he meeting was adjourned a17:3OP.M. ' <br /> lv <br /> ---,--_--`' submitted,— <br />