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y, <br /> Nash IncCusion and Diversity Committee <br /> _w...w.ww.w._........ ....�...._.�..�..........w�._................................�w......_.., ........... 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> Ms. Stevenson said it was a teachable moment without accusations. She stated even without <br /> social media, it was a hurtful thing to the Tribe, it just was, rightly or wrongly. When we look at <br /> bias, it can occur both ways. The Tribe has been lied to or mistreated for so long, and she <br /> thought the whole thing was teachable. She thanked Mr. Cotton for his time and hopes that <br /> something good came out of that. Even without the social media it would've been taken in a <br /> hurtful way by the Tribe. Everyone who spoke, including allies, kept referring to optics. Looking <br /> deeper into unconscious bias, a significant point was when the Tribal Chair came and pointed <br /> to his Tribe members, but people also said allies too. It can go the other way, there could be a <br /> group of white people who aren't supportive, but there are those people who do support, <br /> regardless of their color or representation. <br /> Ms. Kent commented about coming back from that incident, how it looked, and it got her <br /> thinking about the very purpose of this Committee: belonging and respect by all persons. She <br /> is taking a business law course and coincidentally the topic of this week was ethics. She <br /> wanted to share what she learned and how it translates to her work and the work of this <br /> Committee. They discussed the importance of ethical leadership and how employees take <br /> cues from their leadership team. Talking about ethical decision making is meaningless if its <br /> leaders do not set the right standards, as they must apply these same standards to themselves <br /> if set forth for others. With the special election coming up, she was offended with one of the <br /> candidates after watching the candidate forum using buzzwords like inclusion, as it did not <br /> make sense in its true definition. Such efforts are nothing if they don't set the same ethical <br /> standards to this town. For example, the recent changing of the title Selectman to Select <br /> Board. Her daughter has personally experienced bullying and it's dangerous when this kind of <br /> scenario happens in the leadership when it seems like a few leaders are going against a fellow <br /> leader. It's all about the optics. You are saying to Mashpee residents it is okay to bully. Ethics <br /> is explained as fairness, justness, rightness, and wrongness of action. It's a branch of <br /> philosophy focusing on morality and moral principles. This incident put a great split in residents <br /> and tainted the efforts of this Committee in trying to bring everyone together. <br /> Ms. Stevenson reiterated what we do has a purpose to contribute and address what is going <br /> on around us. We do have issues when we are talking about diversity and dealing with gender <br /> and women in high positions. She wrote another letter to the editor that is coming out Friday, <br /> talking about women in leadership and how we add diversity by adding competent women. <br /> She tried to keep it factual in terms of numbers and to consider diversity when making <br /> decisions to elect or nominate. <br />