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F� N_ashp_w e._._e._........I.........n..............c...........C.....u... su _ard Div_.....e._....r.......sity Committee <br /> .._.._...... ..........._..............__ <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> .Mashpee, M-A 02649 <br /> Mr. Klein commented that Ken Burns did a documentary on PBS called The U.S. and the <br /> Holocaust. He noted season 1 is difficult to watch and it makes you shake sometimes. He <br /> added when he was younger he had instances where he was caught up in anti-Semitism. <br /> Ms. Stevenson stated one of her favorite shows was United Shades of America. It goes around <br /> to different communities and talks to people. There was an episode on Native Americans, the <br /> Dakota, and talked about their land being taken. There was another episode on Appalachian <br /> poverty and homelessness. <br /> 3. Training Opportunities <br /> October 28, 2022: Race Our Hidden History <br /> Ms. Stevenson noted there was a training on white privilege. This is taking place at the end <br /> of October, it will be held on a Friday night and Saturday. She will be forwarding information <br /> to Ms. DeBoer and the Town Manager to see if the funds can be paid ($125.00/$150.00) <br /> depending on if they can send more people. There will be breakout groups and critical <br /> discussions. It will deal with education, social justice, ability, disability, and forms of <br /> oppression. Robin DiAngelo, the Author of White Fragility will be there. <br /> 4. 2022-2023 <br /> a. Brochure Update <br /> Chair would like to get together to update the welcome brochure. <br /> b. Belonging: Community Committee <br /> Ms. Stevenson would like to develop a concept this year of belonging. It is done in <br /> the schools, but as a community, how do we make people feel they belong when <br /> people move here. <br /> Chair contacted the new principal, new Director of the Chamber of Commerce, and <br /> the new Director of the Senior Center. She met a woman at the LCP meeting that <br /> brought up some good ideas about things we can do. Between Mashpee Commons, <br /> the Tribal influence, also Richard Desorgher, they could put together a committee to <br /> talk as a community about what we can do. A lot of the HOAs try and get people <br /> involved, but how do we welcome people on a community level when they move <br /> here or start attending our schools. How do they feel they belong? <br /> Ms. Kent noted there is a Welcome to Mashpee pamphlet sent out to new residents, <br /> she is not sure if it comes from the Town Clerk's office. <br /> 8 <br />