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<br />Mr. Jack explained that the Town will take the total cost of the improvement and divide it amongst the <br />property owners to come up with a unit cost level. Then, the property owners will be informed of a formal <br />hearing via registered letter. Owners will be informed of the total amount of the project as well as the unit <br />cost. At the hearing, the Commission will determine the length of the repayment period, the apportionment <br />and the interest rate. At that time, the betterment will be immediately applied against the property at the <br />Registry of Deeds as an “estimate” betterment. The betterment does not go into full effect until the project is <br />complete and all final costs are known. Then the project will be reevaluated. The betterment can be less but <br />never more than what the original estimate was. <br />Mr. Jack will be proposing a betterment hearing in January/February, 2023. <br /> <br />Mr. Gray and Ms. Vaughn inquired about how the betterment will affect the sale of a home. <br />Mr. Jack said that the betterment either gets paid or it gets passed onto a subsequent owner but, that he will <br />have to verify this information. <br /> <br />MINUTES <br />Mr. Lyons made a motion to accept the minutes of the October 27, 2022 Sewer Commission meeting. <br />Mr. Towle seconded the motion. <br />The motion was passed by unanimous consent. <br /> <br />OLD BUSINESS <br /> Frequently Asked Question Discussion. <br /> <br />Chair Smith stated that he has gotten updates from Mr. Lyons as well as the Town. The list will be getting <br />reviewed by the Sewer Commission and then will be uploaded to the website. <br />Anyone that has additional suggestions can send them directly to Mr. Smith. <br />Ms. Harris stated that one of the main questions is the timeline and that community members need to be <br />aware that they do not need to be hooked up to the sewer service immediately. It will be at least a year and a <br />half. <br />Mr. Smith stated that he’d like to see the initially format for the FAQ list by the next Sewer Commission <br />meeting. <br />Mrs. Sprout raised the question about the depth of the pipes and Mr. Jack addressed it in his update stating <br />that the lateral depth is 6’ and the mains vary in depth but, are fairly consistent with the laterals. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br /> Time Table Update with Interim Town Engineer, Ray Jack. <br /> <br />Mr. Jack stated that the Project Information Component for the website is not populated at this time. It will <br />be launched next week. It will include a color coded sewer map for the sewer service area. The map will show <br />areas that have been completed in the service area and the upcoming areas that the contractor intends to go <br />into. It will be accompanied by a monthly construction schedule. <br /> <br />Mr. Jack stated that Robert B. Our, Co. will begin November 14, 2022. Work will begin on Carleton Ave. in the <br />vicinity of Asher’s Path. <br />th <br />A main laying crew will be coming in on December 15 and are set to begin on Orchard Rd. This will lead to <br />the first of traffic disruptions. The School Department, Police and Fire Departments will be kept fully informed <br />and up to date. <br /> <br />The contractor will be placing a green “Sewer” stake on lawns to indicate the best location of where the lateral <br />should go. <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />