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Mr. Weeden motioned for a continuance to July 28th @ 6:12p.m. due to lack of a <br /> quorum <br /> Mrs Clapprood seconded the motion <br /> Vote 3-0 (Mr. Cook recused himself) <br /> Roll Call Vote: <br /> Mr. Cook:Recusal <br /> Mr. Weeden: yes <br /> Mrs Clapprood: yes <br /> Mr. Colombo: yes <br /> In favor: 3, Opposed, 0; Recusals,1 <br /> 6:30 Kevin A. & Denise J. Petitti, Trustees, 58 Triton Way. Proposed raze and replace of NOI <br /> existing pool and decks. Dan Gonsalves from Down Cape Engineering presented the <br /> project. Mr. Gonsalves acknowledged the need to change the mitigation plan to reflect new <br /> square footage (217 additional square footage of mitigation) Mr. Cook asked about the <br /> mitigation credit and Agent provided clarification. Mr. Colombo asked where mitigation <br /> would be cited. Agent read comments from abutter regarding property boundary. Property <br /> owner, Mr. Pettiti provided willingness to cooperate with neighbor on property lines. Mr. <br /> Cook asked about a fence and Mr. Colombo asked about pool maintenance. Mr. <br /> Gonsalves provided clarification. <br /> Mr. Cook motioned for a Close and Issue with condition additional pool <br /> maintenance/drainage plan details <br /> Mr. Weeden seconded the motion <br /> Vote 4-0-0 <br /> Roll Call Vote: <br /> Mr. Cook: yes <br /> Mr. Weeden: yes <br /> Mrs Clapprood: yes <br /> Mr. Colombo: yes <br /> In favor, 4; Opposed, 0; Abstentions, 0 <br /> 6:33 Martin A. Bloom, Trustee. 17 Taffrail Way. Proposed renovations to existing single NOI <br /> family dwelling, including reconfiguration of existing decks and proposed removal of risk <br /> trees. Mr. Cook stated he is recusing himself from this hearing due to a conflict of interest. <br /> The hearing must be continued due to a lack of a quorum <br /> Mr. Weeden motioned for a continuance to July 28th @ 6:15 p.m. due to lack of a <br /> quorum <br /> Mrs Clapprood seconded the motion <br /> Vote 3-0 (Mr. Cook recused himself) <br /> Roll Call Vote: <br /> Mr. Cook:Recusal <br /> Mr. Weeden: yes <br /> Mrs Clapprood: yes <br /> Mr. Colombo: yes <br /> In favor, 3; Opposed, 0; Recusals, 1 <br /> 6:36 Michael and Helen Sharp, Trustees. 55 Shoestring Bay Rd. After the fact permitting for NOI <br /> landscape retaining wall and associated grading on a coastal bank. Mitigation plantings. <br /> Tom Bunker from BSS Design presented the project details and background. Essentially a <br /> landscape retaining wall and grading was conducted without a permit. Once this issue was <br /> discovered, the homeowner was issued an enforcement order to file for an after the fact <br /> Notice of Intent to permit the retaining wall and provide for compensatory mitigation as per <br />