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Mrs. Hazel Metzler of John's Fond said Mr. Wheeler said lots earlier <br /> and tied them up with restrictions then sold land to developers Without <br /> these restrictions and. she opposed the devel.opement. <br /> Mr. John Tanner, Ashumet opposed development as did Mr. Russell- <br /> „N <br /> Sturt evant, Ashumet. .. He objected to number of lots and only one. <br /> road into deve l op em ent. Is also worried about devaluation of property <br /> because of development. He is a member of Halifam, Mass. a Finance, <br /> Committee and inquired who pays for black topping roads and when watemr <br /> is put in would t own have -to pair'. Also concerned about small -income <br /> am�lles buying - if they have many children would that mean. that Mashpee <br /> . t o pair so far as - schools were concerned.. He would like to see <br /> larger lots and more roads.. <br /> Mr. James H. Brown of Ashumet sags Audubon Society has property adjoining <br /> and he feels this development would hurt what the Audubon Society is doing, <br /> in that location.. <br /> The following also spoke in oppo sition. . . . .o <br /> Mrs. Marion Baker, Ashumet who inquired where beach as are. She was <br /> shown on the map and advised that approximately 700 ft. was on_. John's <br /> Fond and 100 on Ashumet Pond.., <br /> Mr. Benedict Alper, John's Pon:, pointed. out that there 'is only one foot-, <br /> of beach per family. He owns over 60 acres near development that he is <br /> leaving to his daughter with provision -she not sell but leave to Audubom <br /> Society. <br /> Mrs. Hazel Metzle.r again asked where other locations were that the <br /> petitioners had developed that onyone so wishing could see. - 1 . Andrews <br /> answered giving locations and nearest was in one of our southern states -- <br /> too far for most persons to go to see it.. She also said they built a. <br /> permanent house with the thought that they would become= permanent residents- <br /> of Mashpee and did not like this summer development, so as to speak, cDming <br /> .into the pond. <br /> Mrs. George Markham spoke against development saying Cape has special <br /> water problem. <br /> Mr. Carl Avant advised con-seruat i on has 5-9 000 a=e s, nearby, <br /> Mr. George Markham said similar situation exists on Long Island at: <br /> Levittown -- with detergent in ground water wvw4&ems=about there is a <br /> problem. worries about contamination ofl water supply• <br /> Mr. Andrews advised roads will be black topped 201 wide with asphalt, <br /> sealer and binder. <br /> Mr. Roland. Duceau., San.taxy Engineer of Mass. sags polution would <br /> certainly happen. Said -town would have trouble to solve problem of <br /> pollution of wells, if they cond.emed a well.. Said central water <br /> system should he supplied. He also said no pollution oaf ponds if <br /> sewerage system is properly' <br /> roperly' designed (that is if septic tanks are <br /> 8 <br /> 4' above pond level) and this i s the case -- land is high and soil <br /> mostly sand.. <br />