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TINE: 8:00 P.M. <br />III I I <br />UWD I M% <br />00 <br />MEETING OF THE <br />Mr, Marsters asked the secretary to check with Mrs. Grant to see that we: have <br />all zoning changes made since 1973, the last year the bylaws were printed, and then <br />to check with Mrs. Thomas to see if there is a requirement to put it out to bid for <br />the printing. Mrs. Grant was to put all information in the Plannin&Board box, <br />Mrs. Thomas said if the job'is for less than $2,000.00, it doesn't have to go, out <br />to bid, but to be sure to get three estimates to present to the Finance Committee. <br />Mr, Edward Norcott, representing his sister, Genevieve Norcott, appeared and <br />presented a plan showing Lot 63 Tracy Lane, Ockway Bay Estates,,,explaining that <br />this house is the very last lot on the left hand side - it abuts Mr. Graham's house. <br />This house was partially completed - the dirt has been removed - there is a sand pit <br />at the end. The house was rough plumbed, rough electrical work and then boarded up <br />and left there. One problem was that when the foundation was put in the front of <br />the house, on Mr. Grahamts side the front comer was a little over 154, back corner <br />13.5t, and, under the current bylaws of the town, the whole subdivision was a mess. <br />This house did not have a cesspool until just recently. When they bought it,, it <br />was an unfinished home with a problem on the sideline on Mr. Graham's side - the <br />street immediately in front of the house is unfinished. <br />He had spoken to the abutter and said they were going to buy the house and <br />asked if there would be any problems - apparently,, Mr., Graham is concerned now, <br />He has stopped Mr. Norcot,t, cold on his alterations on the property. Mr. Graham <br />wants the piece of roadway in front of his house upgraded and wants a stockade <br />fence put in - a lot of tree trunks across the street are to be cleared out - the <br />trees have all been pushed away and graded over - the fence is now standing - the <br />road has been•built up and rougb-graded., but not finished. Mr. Graham wants the <br />sand pit graded because of potential hazard and Mr.Norcott said that it is beyond <br />his scope. <br />Mr. Graham and four others,, with Cathy O'Connell the spokesman, are going to <br />oppose the occupancy of this house. He said he'had it in writing from Mr. Porciello <br />that he would do these things - Porciello had told,Graham that he would do it in <br />conjunction with Norcott's grading word - it was going to be done as a joint effort. <br />Mr. Graham felt that it should have been done before Mr. Norcott bought the house. <br />Mr. Norcott also said that utilities have been brought down to Lot 6; he had <br />a new well put in because 301 down you get rusty water (Bob Grabam told him to do <br />it.) Then all of a sudden, Mr. Graham hits him with this. He further said that he <br />is trying to do everything he can to get this rolling again; Town Counsel told him <br />to come to the Planning Board. Mr. Bourgeois said that he needs a variance from the <br />Board of Appeals to do, alterations on this building, Mr. Marsters said that the lot <br />