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is not large enough, either, under new bylaws - all lots were 100 X 130 - Por- <br />ciello had come in a couple of years ago on a variance and he was turned down on <br />all of his requests. Mr. Bourgeois asked if he had moved the line at all and <br />Norcott said "noll, that it is the exact same plan,, nothing has changed. It was <br />mentioned that 13.51 should be accepted. <br />Mr. Morcott said that Mr. Graham had gone to the Selectmen and other people <br />in town to stop anything from being done on the property until other conditions <br />were completed. He further said that the Board of Health went down and saw Mrs <br />Peters doing word; and told him to stop and bring in the drawings, etc. Mr. Mar- <br />sters said that the sideline is the only concern of the Planning Board. There was <br />further discussion, but what it all boiled down to was that the Planning Board <br />sent the following letter to the Board of Appeals, with a copy to Mr. Morcott at <br />26 Wildwood Drive, Canton 020211: t'The Planning Board is in favor of the granting <br />of a variance to Genevieve Morcott on Lot 63 Tracy Lane, Ockway Bay Estates,, be- <br />fore the two-year period expires." <br />The $10,00 fee was collected - ANR #811, <br />Verna M. Appleby and friend appeared before the Board and said they had a bit <br />of a problem. In 1972, they purchased Lot 14., Central Rd. and Lowell Rd., from <br />the Curleys, who had purchased it from Mr. Webquish, He had said they could build <br />on it and now they're stuck with it. There is no road in there - well, there is., <br />but it isn't surfaced. They had planned to build on this lot, but changed their <br />minds and now have 'a buyer. Mrs Reardon searched the title for them. They didn't <br />get any indication that there was going to be any problem until the potential pur- <br />chaser's attorney, Mr. Murphy, searched and said there was going to be a problem. <br />She talked to George Benway and he suggested coming to the Planning Boards <br />Mr, Collins had told them he would not issue a building permit on it, citing that <br />the seven years has run out. Mr. Marsters pointed out that the life of the sub- <br />division has expired, Ms. Appleby said that there are houses on the subdivision, <br />adding, in answer to Mr. Marster's qu6stion,, that this is the only lot that they <br />own. She pointed out that Lot 10 has a house on it - it's near Lowell Rd., but <br />not touching it. She also said that one time she got a list of the abutters, but <br />Mr. Webquish either sold off or donated a number of these lots to a nephew of his. <br />M. Collins said that this is an old one - the street hasn't been finished - <br />no cul de sac down at the end - just a dirt road and that's why the permit wasn't <br />issued. He also said that they could demand that the town plow it and if they are <br />allowed to start opening them up like this, the town has an awful burden taking <br />care of them, Mr. Collins said that he thinks there were some lots dawn at the <br />end that he had sold and had to return the money. Miss Appleby said that a build- <br />ing permit was issued for someone else on the road only two years ago., Mrs Collins <br />said that he may have used the other frontage to make -it legal - apparently the <br />person had combined two lots and made one, It was, mentioned that a lot of the lots <br />down there are nonconforming - some of them have to be combined to one lot now. <br />Appleby said that Webquisb told her that the town had been after him for a <br />long time and they finally caught up to him. He: wanted to sell the lots to get the <br />money to finish the road. Mr. Marsters suggested getting together with the other <br />owners and have the road constructed, pointing out that they can't use the lots <br />until the road is constructed. If the others are willing to go along with it, they <br />- 2 - <br />