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12/06/1978 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
12/06/1978 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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can come back to the Planning Board and they will specify what the requirements <br />are. Mr. Bourgeois said that the Assessors will have a list of who owns the lots <br />and that nothing much more can be said except that the Board will bend as much as <br />possible to alleviate the problem - there has to be cooperation between everybody <br />there. Miss Appleby asked how much it would cost and what kind of topping should <br />be used. Regular Blacktop was suggested. Mr. Blakeman asked how wide it had to <br />be and was told it had to be wider than 201. Mr. Marsters said that a wild guess <br />would be $10200.00, a little: over a thousand dollars per lot - it should then be <br />worth more and she could get her money back. <br />Mr. Bourgeois said it can be included in thetax bill as betterments - if the <br />lot owners who abut this road are willing., they can pay a portion of this bill <br />through the taxes* He also said that the lots in there would increase $1,000.00 <br />in value, adding that doing it by betterment is difficult; she would have to go <br />before Town Meeting and have it approved. Mr. Marsters said that the town should <br />tax her at a lower rate because it's not a buildable lot - it takes the road to <br />give it its full value. He said she: could get a building permit if the road was <br />paved. He also suggested she could make the agreement with the buyers that they <br />will buy the lot now and they will pay the $1.,000.00 or $1.,500,00 as their share <br />of the road and then she wouldn't have to be involved in paying that. <br />Mr.Blakeman mentioned going to the Board of Appeals seekinga building per- <br />mit and MrI. Marsters said he didntt think the Board of Appeals can rule on that <br />under the Subdivision Control Law. Mr. Collins said that actually itts an il- <br />legal raod since it's not finished. Mr. Bourgeois said that we are also pro- <br />tecting the people who are going to purchase it from them, Mr. Blakeman said, <br />IjUnless they go ba:ck and sae the Webquish estate." Mr. Bourgeois said that the <br />Board will be: as flexible as it can. Mr. Marsters; said that, unfortunately., it's <br />a common situation. Mr. Blakeman said that meanwhile they should be filing an <br />abatement with the Assessors because it is not buildable. Mr. Collins wondered <br />if she had contacted Mrs. Webquish lately and she said that Mrs, W6bquish is not <br />interested in the problemsadding that Mrs. Linwood decided there was more pro- <br />blems than she wanted, <br />Mr., Blakeman said thattwo different people have approached him asking how many <br />lots we have in the tyt-m, laid out, mentioning an article: about Brewster in the paper - <br />Brewster has the lots spelled out. It was suggested he go to the Assessors office <br />and find out. Mr, Blakeman said he stopped into COP EDO and that the man said that <br />he would notify us if they could find anything. He got a call saying the map was <br />ready to be picked up. He further said that Jeannie was going to compare the map <br />be found with the one sent up from CCPEDC. He also said that,for long range plan- <br />ning it would be good to know haw many lots the town has and we, as a Planning <br />Board, should know. <br />The next meeting is January 3i-d at the suggested -new time of 7:30, because of <br />closing the building. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Judith K. Sciarrillo <br />Secretary <br />- 3 - <br />
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