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PLANNING BOARD <br /> `own of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARDM TES December 7 1983 C an t'd Pa e 3 <br /> meeting with estimates from surveyors , road contractor, etc. with actual figures <br /> by these persons of the cost - to f finish the project,, NOT an overall estimate by <br /> one person, A Letter of Credit should be filed with the Board far in excess of <br /> theeee a-mounts, a total L/C of 150%, or, 5M. higher than the actual estimates, <br /> I called Mr. Englert and explained this and he said he had the figures and would <br /> present them as requested at ttae next meeting. <br /> Mr. Marsters excused himself from the Chair for the next petition, Mr. Collins <br /> took over. <br /> Petitioner: Cotuit Bay Condos <br /> Submitted by: William Weller <br /> Type of Play: Abandonment of Southerly portion of Mt. Vernon St. <br /> Location: Mt. Vernon Street., Cotuit Bay Condos <br /> Fee: $45.00 <br /> Mr, Weller explained that a definitive hearing was held on the abandoment of <br /> the Southerly portion of Mt. Vernon Street. The minutes of previous meeting <br /> was checked perhaps 1952 and at mtha t meeting there was some concern about <br /> if the Planning Board rescinded that portion of Mt. Vernon, what rights other <br /> than the direct abutters were being jeopardized and the Board had asked for <br /> a letter, he had spoken " to Dick Terry about it, he recalled it and the minutes <br /> state that the letter was sent. The Board had requested a letter from Atty. <br /> Henderson because he had done the ❑rig�nal title search, and he had gone quite <br /> intensively into it- because of that fact. That was the hold up in the 'Board <br /> not signing the 'p lan w Mr. Bornstein was the person appearing before the Board <br /> at the definitive hearing and he forwarded the le-t ter as requested. <br /> A public hearing was held at the time of the definitive plan. <br /> Linen to be held by Harold Collins for payment of $45.00. There was some dis- <br /> cussion between Mr. Jonas and Mr. Weller regarding the payment for approval, <br /> Dan Hostetter appeared before the Board"f6r a Pre-App for multi--unit dwellings <br /> off Newtown Road, total of approx 130 acres, one half in Barns table, remainder <br /> in Mashpee, 50 acres excluding bogs, from the condominium units. <br /> Total of 147 condominium units. <br /> Mre Marsters requested a project information sheet, <br /> Mr. Marsters referred Mr, Hostetter to Mr. Rowley and after that meeting to re- <br /> turn to this Board, <br />