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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M ashp ee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES: December 7 . 1983 Cont'd Pa ge 2 <br /> Mr, Ferrara felt that perhaps Town Counsel might want to rule on the parcel, <br /> however, Mr. Marsters felt that this was unnecessary. <br /> Mr. Dubin stated that the parcel should have been merged and not just left <br /> dangling. <br /> Again the statement was made by Mr. Ferrara about Town Counsel making a ruling, <br /> and Mr, Marsters reiterated that he didn't think Town Counsel should become in- <br /> volved. <br /> The plan was not signed, <br /> Paul Avere t t appeared before the Board with a plan of his mothers land on <br /> Central Road. His plans are to bu,ild-"--a---ahouse,-behrid his mothers. Mr, Marsters <br /> felt that there was insufficient frontage and that a variance was needed from <br /> the Board of Appeals. <br /> Mr. Jonas stated that in the past- the Planning Board had gone along with cases <br /> of similar nature and named the case of Eleanor Peters and Paul Mills, however, <br /> in scanning the files no proof of these instances could be found, <br /> Mr. Marsters told Paul to leave the plan and it would be considered for a an- <br /> swer on Dec. 21s t, <br /> Upon further deliberation the Board referred -Mr. Averett to the Board of <br /> Appeal and on January 4, 1984 he will appear before that Board for a variance <br /> of Land Space Requirements for permission to vary the minimum front yard set <br /> back. <br /> Mr. Charles Eng ler t, Trustee of Quail Crossing came before the Board to re- <br /> quest a covenant release. <br /> Mr. Marsters s to te&_,tha t Mr. Rowley had noted many areas.-I-ti--which work was <br /> not .completed and that the covenant should not be released, <br /> Mr. Englert presented the Board with a five thousand dollar L/C from the <br /> Shawmut Merchant's Bank to the Town of Mashpee. <br /> Mr. Marsters stated that he would contact Mr, Rowley on Thursday 12/8/83 <br /> for more in depth reporting on the release of the covenant. <br /> Mr, Marsters said that the Board would sign the covenant release and turn it <br /> over in Harold Collins , who would have Jane Labute notarize the document and <br /> Mr. Collins would sign it as a member in her presence b <br /> Note: On Thursday, 12/8/83, Mr. Marsters called this secretary and said that <br /> Mr. Rowley felt that the developers should appear before pp the Board --at the next <br />