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PLANNING BOARD <br /> - Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD �I. TES: October 199 1983 <br /> YMERS P : ,rle Marsterst 3larel.d 11-ins, Richardson Jonas <br /> MS ABSEff: Michele Stone <br /> COVSULTING ERGS Charles L. Rowley <br /> TW t- 800 p e m* <br /> The motes were approved and adopted. for 10-6-*83. <br /> Richard Dabi n was appointed to fill the term left by the resignation of Richard <br /> Ferry. He wasn't sworn in y-e t, but just eat on the Board and will be an official <br /> l <br /> member at the next meeting. <br /> Kre arsters asked -that this secretary check' with the Town Clerk regarding the <br /> of the zoning map to include changes that have o c curred =ce the Last <br /> printing. <br /> Petitioners Merwi n Sturgis <br /> Submitted by t Kerwin Sturgis <br /> fte of Plan: Approval Not Required <br /> lh cation: tot 10 off R te. 130 <br /> The Board could not sien the plan as it didn't have the required 150' frontage but <br /> enly 3,421. They also re comm neled he Eck with Land court to see if he has to show <br /> the rest of Lot 9 as it would no longer exist. <br /> r. Sturgis said he would return with a, new plan at the next meet <br /> Mr. Marsters stepped down from the Board to request a covet release for Phase 3 <br /> of Seabrook v i.11age, which consists of about 24 lots. <br /> Mr. Rowley said he inspected the road and had no problem except he couldn't find <br /> the bounds. Mr. Marsters said the bounds were all there and are right about or <br /> within an in.oh of grade he had cleared them. <br /> The Board agreed to sign the release as he's closing some lots on the 28th and <br /> Mr. Dubin would hold it for Mr. Rowley's approval and have it no-to riz ed and give <br /> to Mr. harsters.' Then it was okayed that Mr. Collins would inspect the bounds <br /> to save Mrs Rowley a trip. <br /> Mr. Me=i.son came before the Board regard* property he owns between Cotuit Rd. <br /> and Rte. 130 whisk is zoned commercial. He wanted to know if he could change- it <br /> to residential. T'he Board informed him ��e wc�.3.d have to have as engineered plan <br /> specifying bounds and write up a petition which would require 10 signatures for <br /> the .annual 'own Meeting. He would then present the petition to the Selectmen for <br />