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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOA YIWTBS t 10ew19-83 Cont I d. Page 2 <br /> insertion on the warrant, and they would send it to the Planning Board for a public <br /> hearg. <br /> Mr. Jonas told kro Morr i sen it would look he t t er- if he purchased the small corner <br /> of l Consist of 6 P000 sq. ft. so the entire corner could he changed to resi <br /> idential a They also told 11r. err .son he would have to co miain a his two lots to <br /> get the adequate frontage. <br /> ]fir. lb=isen asked if in the meantime ne evuld move a residential bui l a onto toe <br /> pr pwty v mtal us son ag is wed. Mrs, karsters saga Vas board couldn i t rule <br /> on tnav -cut perapas one i5electm+ could. <br /> dike Idourath t Willi reterst Paul Bartel. and Atty. Hinz came oefore the Board <br /> regard -Shell-back way, <br /> Xr. Rowley said the plan he had reviewed he found no' problems with., He said however <br /> the -area Is on the Pranges of the Village Center & Shit s Rd. He said they should <br /> look -at Shel.lback and the relacatiGn of the turn around for the possible future <br /> use of Whi t ings Rd. as. a bypass of the village center. <br /> There was much discussion on -it. r. Har t el said they plan to Continue mul.t i- <br /> family .- evel epmeut-on the acquired Gessner property and abandon his special permit. <br /> He said he was will to cooperate Witt the Town but he felt it would oe easier <br /> to cooperate with the Town but he felt it would be easier to cooperate if they <br /> felt. it was go ne to come into being in the near future. <br /> Mrs, McGrath pointed out -the Board of Appeals felt it should be a oentaiued complex <br /> sad felt it would he better if it didn't have fast road traffic eennecting to it. <br /> It was decided it would he easier if they had an idea of where r1hitings Rd. wool <br /> come out& They decided to get together and put together Assessor's maps that <br /> would show the entire area to get the approximate location of INnitings Rd+ 'and go <br /> from there, and they could make a provision for the future �eut of Vhit s Rd. <br /> and P&R Realty would allow a corner of the property for it and could put an ease-w <br /> meat there and reserve the area and no buildings would be constructed r there. <br /> All agreed to have someth g for the next meet .ng as W where they en isien <br /> rhit�a� :Lido would tie vae vest spo z �o �I �t Tom_-mcarc a,.=.s� asked for a <br /> y1an where LresslLta, abanuo.xec.' h;�s 51i2gie-1 u t s subti;.va.Sion. <br /> Mr. M ra.-ki pre sent ed another issue regarding leer Gross for which they came. <br /> He said there is a road covenant on Shellback way aid they would like to exchange <br /> it for a dash bond that,would guarantee the completion of the road. so Lot 3 could <br /> be released - the tot the .e ndo s are on -- so construction could go on and then <br /> record the subdivision p4 n. <br />