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P <br /> PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M as hp ee <br /> PLUG BOA lrZTff ES: 10.-1.9—�j 3 Co 1-1t f d. page 1) <br /> /- <br /> They were will-ing to post a hoed of : 112 20 which is d,aTD/Foot for the 160 t. <br /> ltri Marsters asked. 1vb:i. Rov1bar to loaK. at it aYv3 see -if it Is a good figre. He <br /> peinted out it would have to cover the turn around and inflat'ien on 2 years. <br /> ;sir. Rowley said he would report his findings to the Board and asked Xr. tIcGrath <br /> for a break down as to costs and he'll see if it adds up to 701foo t. Xr. YoGrath <br /> said it Might take a duple of days but he would come up .with it. <br /> Atty. wing stated Town Counsel had prepared a band for the land-scaping and he <br /> could use the 'same format and doctor it up for this bond. <br /> r. McGrath went on to say they would like to ohm the definitive plans as the <br /> bax�k writ the mortgages only wants to see 2 :Lots and Ins tead of a resd,2 they <br /> want an,easement and .make the road -stop short with -a turnsamund at the clubhouse. <br /> They -to shorten the road layout and eliminate 1 lot from the <br /> present definitive plan. They requested the lines back to make a new one <br /> they vould return it on Friday* <br /> Ur. Rowley brought up the, problem of phases at. some future time. Vir,, Y Grath said <br /> they will -drag up phasing without creating additional lots. He also said the <br /> read profiles will st.ill hold. <br /> The Board discussed it and felt sinee the petitioners were working with the Board <br /> -they were inclined to bend a -1*t tle. Also because the change wouldn't affect the <br /> adverti.siiwg and no one had come in to review the plans y they gave 1 r. V-TeGrath the <br /> Linen to change. <br /> They vent owner the list of Per. Rowle-' s technical problems he had noted on the <br /> present definitive plan and Mgr. McGrath said he would comply with all the requests. <br /> They also promised to bring a landscaping plan at the next meeting.. Y-r. Varsters <br /> did point out that they have put the grass down to the pavement and it's much bet t ec <br /> Petitioner: Atlantic Metropolitan Oorp. <br /> Submitted by: 1like Dunning <br /> Type of Plant Approval Not Required <br /> Locations South Cape Resorts <br /> Atty. 2)u=ing said the ward had steed the plan in 1973 and it was recorded. Be <br /> said: this was actual.2y the same plan except it snows what happened on the site <br /> since then. - which is 5 buildings and pump house - but no ohange in descriptions <br /> He went on to say he's presenting the plan for 2 reasons* one to show the loca- <br /> tion of.the bu il€i s, "d two? to freez e t he zo cza r. for_3 year s as an ANR will <br /> do. <br /> Mr. testers .d he warts proo-` that the road co v eft vas released or a note <br /> placed on the plan. Atty. Dunning suggested stipulating it ret n.s 1 - effect on <br /> the plan. <br />