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PLANNING BOARD I-INUTE� <br />PLANNING BOARD <br />Town of Mashpee <br />10-r;-R3 ion t' , <br />Dubin offered a to t of talent <br />Pa e <br />Ms. Stone said she couldn't cornr:ient on Mrs. 141ills and Earle added she <br />had nearer attended a meeting, <br />Mr. Collins said he would be in favor of Richard Dubin as he felt <br />Mr. Tavares' past landscaping plans gave an .indication of what he <br />would be 118 ke . <br />Mr. Marsters made a motion to take a vote on reco;=ending that Mr. <br />Richard Dubin be appointed to fill Mr. Terry' s remaining terry on. the <br />Planning Board. All voted in favor of recommending Mr. Dubin be <br />appointed. <br />The Board asked that a memo be- sent to the Selectmen. informing them <br />of their recommendation and that a joint meeting be set up at 7.30 p.m. <br />on Wednesday, October 19th. <br />The meeting adjourned at 10 0 10 p.m* <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />p 7 <br />Sandra L. Peters, Secretary <br />