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PLANNING BOARD <br />Town of Mashpee <br />PLAN lea G BOARD MI UTES : 10-- �- 8 3 Cont ' d . page 3 <br />Mr � Marsters discussed the status of the Design Review committee, He <br />said they had had their 2nd meeting tonight . He said they were going <br />.to develop a set of requirements to give to the Board of Appeals to <br />go along with obtaining a special permit. The Board of Appeals will <br />route new plans to the Committee and they were goring to try to cover <br />all existing permits and get the owners to work with them', Whey <br />would cover commercial, industrial aid R-4 areas and maybe in the <br />future will include residential. He said other towns have out in a <br />lot of money and we don' t have it. The consultants are not getting <br />paid- and they. will have to step out if they are bidding on a project <br />before the Committee which may necessit-ate having alternates. <br />The Board reviewed the landscaping plan for sea Mist Resorts. They <br />felt the plan was an .improvement over the last but they noted these <br />Drob leas : 1 ) the landscaping wasn't shown all the way to the edge of <br />the pavement and they recommended grass -for that many of the trees <br />didn't specify height; 3) the height of the wall would be a safety <br />hazard and they suggested a maximum height of 3' for 35' on Great <br />Neck Fed. and 201 on the entrance road; 4) the Board felt they should have <br />irrigation for the grassed area. The Board requested a Letter stating <br />such be sent to Attorney Dunning. <br />The Board discussed the letter from Joe Reardon regard-ing Sections 6.2 <br />and 5.5 of the 'Zoning By -Laws, Section 6.2 would have to be straightened <br />out with the Attorney General as the Town meeting bf 1978 verbatim <br />showed "hereinafter" being there ' but the Town Eeport left it out ti <br />Section 5.5 wIould have to have the last 3 words stricken out as was <br />amended at the Town meeting of 1978. <br />Earle Marsters made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss <br />the reply ement of Dick Terry on the Board as he felt they would be <br />discussing the candidates' personal characters. M.11�chele Stone felt <br />it wasn't a valid reason for the closed session as they ever e discussing <br />the candidates' . prof essiona.l qualifications. <br />After reading the Open Yaeeting Law, the Board decided not to go into <br />Executive Ses s ion . The � candidat es were Richard Dubin, Wayne Tavares <br />and Janice Mills. Richardson Jonas recommended Richard -Dubin. <br />M-]-chele stone said she has trouble with "7�r. ?�avar'es because of h1s <br />competence as shown L.0 uhe Board and he's now on the Des lgn Committee <br />in addition to the Conservation Committ ee . <br />�N`r, !Marst ers felt Mr,, Tavares had professional compe te1ncy and felt ��r <br />Tavar s had indicated that since he's nowon two comIRIttee�, he didn't <br />want to get into a.nyty�_� no. else . He went on to say- he thought 1':�c-hard <br />