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09/21/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
09/21/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PL.�NNING BOARD MINUTES: September 213 1983 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Earle Marst ers, Harold Co 11 ins, Michele Stone, <br /> Richardson Jonas <br /> CCNSULTiNG ENGINEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> Town. Clerk Jane Labute care before the Board with some quest-ions. <br /> She stated when plans are approved by the Board, she is always liven <br /> copies and she, wants to know who should get them and in what cases ■ <br /> Mr. Karst ers said one should always go t a the Assessors and the Board <br /> of Health in every case. He said each time a new street is developed <br /> the Highway Dept ■ shoul.d get a copy so the Board will ask for 5 copies . <br /> Each time it involves Conservation, the Board will ask for one for <br /> them, and the Police -and.- Eire Depts. should get a copy for each <br /> subdivision but not Approval Not Requi red' s . He said right now there' s <br /> a Site - Plans Review Committ e working on .the distribution of plans, but <br /> for now it ' s up to the T own Clerk■ <br /> Jane Labute went on to say this 'secretary and her will be indexing <br /> reaps and putting ' them in the room out back so- the public will have <br /> access to therms or if the other Departments don't have spac-e for them. <br /> Mr. Marsters said this secretary has to have a copy but he didn' t think <br /> Mrs. Labute had to have a copy, but Mrs . Labute said the rules said <br /> she has to have a copy. Mr. Jonas felt the Planning Board should have <br /> their copy under lock and key, <br /> Mrs. Labute said the new zoning by--laws should be okayed by the Attorney <br /> General the end of September and she wondered LL we could print the <br /> changed p acres in, color. This would make it easier for people to update <br /> their books. <br /> Mr. Marst ers felt it vias a good concept and would be a good idea. <br /> M*,?s . Labute asked how much should be charged for the package of changes <br /> Mr n ai stets said the Board would �o along with what she recommended. <br /> Mrs, Labute said she will come up with a figure when she f i r ure s haw <br /> many ?gages are involved and how much.- t ir,e it takes to do the changes . <br /> She then gent on to coi-mmend this secretary for the work she ' s done . <br /> H1"rh ra T Superintendent Ernest v�rc-ilio came before ore th'e Board concerning <br /> the Droblem of people not obtaining opening permits from his Dept V <br /> prior to mak-IMc- a 'dr �r�'�1��.y 0a t�.33►'+town—owned roaad. Iie sa��.l he spent GL <br /> to t o f time and res ear^h in drag i 1-Ig up the per.snit <br />
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