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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M as hp ee <br /> 'PLANNING' BOARD T INUTE, rl a 9--21-8' Con V ` d �'�.�� � <br /> V <br /> mhe Planning Board said they would add -it to their checrLlist of things <br /> for people to obtain and felt it was a good idea. Mr. Marsters informed <br /> hini 't hat the Design Review Committee had been formed and they would <br /> review only new building going on in anything other; than residential . <br /> He suggested they could lean on developers to obtain street opening <br /> pertJLt s , he tale Mr. Virgilio not to hesitate contacting the Committee <br /> if he has any problems . <br /> Mr. Virgi-lio informed the Board that he was planning to widen Route 15i <br /> in small stages over years, This would be between Ninigret and Brick- <br /> yard Roads . <br /> The Board asked Mr. Virgilio about getting galvanized post signs as <br /> many of the signs now are rusting out , <br /> Mr. Virgilio said the problem was storage and cost , The Board asked <br /> him to check into it further and let them know What the difference <br /> in cost would be, <br /> Mike Dunning came before the Board with the information that was asked <br /> for at the previous meeting. The Board gent through Mr. Rowley' s list . <br /> #1 & #2 - the calculations were revised, 'Mr. Rowley said he would like <br /> to discuss this requirement sometime with the Board as this <br /> will concern other developments to come. The requirement s <br /> to date have been covered and he Is satisfied, <br /> #4 - has been revised <br /> #7 -- they have shown side slope grading <br /> #s - they have added basins and the calculations reflect the 2 <br /> basins <br /> #9 - used USCG bound #28 on Rte 28 at 1001 and it agrees, <br /> #lo showed water coming back into road and it ' s shown in the <br /> calculations, They removed the wells from the putting green <br /> area as it was a concern of Mr. Rowley' s <br /> Mr. Rowley - asked theme -if they contacted IEE E as he felt it had to do <br /> with a non-c ommunit-r public water supply, <br /> Mrs SIavi.nsky said he met with DEQE and they said their have nothing -to <br /> do wi'th seasonal motels - this was regarding; Merry Meadow 1rotel, and <br /> Sea M, l st was going to be operated on a t..Lme-sharing basis. <br /> Mr. Rowley said they should deal with DEQE specifically on Sea Mist . <br />