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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M ashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD ��?I���T�S: �--�1-��� Co nt ' d Page 3 <br /> John Slavinsky presented a landscaping plan of the Sea Mist Development , <br /> The Board felt the landscape plan .was skimpy as it didn't show what <br /> the Board had requested, which was the entire frontage of the property <br /> to the pavement; it didn't indicate if it was grass or sod; it doesn ' t <br /> give depth; it doesn't tell how much loam; it doesn't show how high <br /> the entranceway wall is& and it doesn't show where the sign will be. <br /> Mr. running said he was surprised with the plan as he thought it would <br /> show the entire frontage as in other plans he ' s presented for other <br /> developments, .He admitted it- was vague but he was willing to stipulate <br /> that the loo ' of frontage will be landscaped. <br /> The owner said he may not have a. sign other than a street sign but <br /> Mr. Jonas felt he should have another sign. Mr. Marsters said in any <br /> event it would have to comply with the sign code and the Board would <br /> like to see it before it ' s put out , <br /> Mr. Marsters restated he would also like the size and location of all <br /> trees and shrubs, and the height and length of the wall inc-luded on the <br /> landscape plan. <br /> Mr. running said they would submit a new landscape plane with all that <br /> was asked for, but so far they have submitted everything that was require( <br /> of. them according, to the Special Permit which was issued in 1974 . He <br /> Dresented a letter addressed to the Board of Anneals which he would like <br /> the Planning Board to sign saying they had complied with the requirements <br /> of the Special Permit . He said the Board of Appeals would like it for <br /> their records . <br /> The Board said the Letter is correct because it only refers to the <br /> requirements of the 1974 Special Permit . They agreed to sign it and <br /> felt the developer .is corlrrlitted to submit a landscape elan at the next <br /> meeting. <br /> Mr. Marsters signed the letter <br /> John Peck came before the Board requesting a covenant release <br /> Mr, Rowley pointed that the last time a lot was released from their <br /> development, it was on the st iDulation that things would- be corrected, <br /> but these things were never completed. They for the release last <br /> April because of a closing but they waited until September 15 to pay" to <br /> have the basins cleaned., <br /> Mr. Peck said they are Navin another c_lo sing ors October 1. but he wasz�° t <br /> sure which l o V was ■ <br />