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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : 9-7--8 3 Cont I d. Page 3 <br /> There was a working session between the Planning Board and Growth Review <br /> Committee regarding the Sign Code. Present from the Growth Committee <br /> were Richard Terry., B. Jean- Thomas, Dave Hardy, - and Brian Barber was <br /> also present . It was agreed Nor. Barber would make the final changes <br /> and present them to the Board, and then .it would be sent to Joe R6ardon <br /> for the language. Mr. Marsters said what was passed at the last Special <br /> Town Meeting would be replaced by this new one as it replaces the <br /> entire Section 10, It was agreed by the others that this was so. <br /> The two Boards agreed to the following changes : <br /> 10, 2, 4 16 sq. ft , instead of 20 sq. ft . <br /> 101 5, 7 add I'subJ ect to provisions of 10. 2. 4" <br /> l0 e 2. 1 add "color" after dimensions & "where required" after <br /> anchorage. <br /> 10a2,92 change official to "inspector" . <br /> 10 w 3. 2 add' "no signs shall be allowed which overhang on public <br /> ways", - however-----_"except as provided in 10. 3., 41t . <br /> 10+ 5. 6 2nd. sentence - 'any illuminated sign or advertising devise" <br /> 10, 6. S add "Public" after industrial (told B. Barber to change <br /> as felt) <br /> 10. 4 . 2 Mr. Marsters said he would like to see something added to <br /> include "visually unattractive signs" ,* <br /> 10. 3. 5 -can add " or install-ed on any portable vehicle" after post . <br /> Mr. Barber would take care of wording; advertising should <br /> be used as people will say something isn't a sign; they <br /> don-It mean commercial trucks with their name on it and <br /> parked at the building. <br /> 10. 5 a 2 change to 4 sq. ft . <br /> 10. 5o, 3 change to 3 sq.. ft . <br /> 109 5-, 4 change to 3 sq. ft . and find something to make removal upon <br /> sale, but they felt that was hard to enforce. <br /> l0. 5. 5 change to 4 sq, ft . <br /> 10, 6, 2 add '_'not to exceed 40 ' sq. ft . " after building in 1st sentence. <br /> 10. 6,. 5 last sentence change ground level to "road grade" . <br /> 10. 6. 12 Change Christmas t o "Holiday". <br /> 1,0. 7. 2 omit word"16gally" and change date to Sept ember 1986 <br /> 10, 892 Selectmen have to choose amount of bond <br /> . ........ .... .......... <br /> B. Jean Thomas brought up the idea of an alternative route around the, <br /> village center and felt Whitings Rd, would be a good consideration. <br /> Mr. Barber felt the Town should go after the state for Chapter 90 funds. <br /> Mr. Rowley thought now i s the time to take whatever p o l i t i c a? steps <br /> necessary to contact the state to get it moving, Mr. Marsters felt <br /> it was a project for the Growth Review Committee <br />