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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES: 9- 1 8 3 Cont T d. Page 2 <br /> Mr. Rowley asked how they were determining the flow capacity of the <br /> pool at 150 PSI. He asked that they give assurance that it ' s going <br /> to be able to pump out that amount of pressure, They asked that <br /> Mr. Sla�vinsky do calculations and add the size of- pipe - needed. <br /> Mr. Marsters said the Board was willing to state that they are satisfied <br /> with the plans that were submitted but didn' t approve them subject to <br /> submission of additional drainage matter as required and a landscaping <br /> plan of the entire front area. He realized the Resorts Development, Inc* <br /> did go further than what was -required in the special permit of 1974, <br /> but they couldn't send a Letter to the. Board of Appeals yet until <br /> they've reviewed what they :ve � asked for. <br /> Mr. Dunning will return at the next meeting with the information asked <br /> for. <br /> Merwin Sturgis carve before the Board with a plan to subdivide his land, <br /> and if th-e Board agrees, he would have Mr. Doyle dra up a linen. <br /> The land is in an R_3 district requiring lots of 4o, Qo sq. ft . �e <br /> was proposing to use an existing way for frontage but the Board was <br /> concerned as the way would divide the 40,000 sq, f t . lot . The Board <br /> said they would send, a- letter to Town Counsel for his opinion. Mr. <br /> Sturgis said he would call to see if he should come to the next meeting. <br /> Mr. John. Umina came before the Board regarding _his plan to swap land <br /> with the Town. He said he was willing to 'pay fair market value for <br /> the land in addition to giving 16 acres on which they were planning to <br /> build 100 condo units and - l7 s/f houses , They would use the land they <br /> obtain to complete the golf course and nothing else. <br /> The Board was unanimously in favor of this deal and directed a memo be <br /> sent to the Selectmen stating this. <br /> Mr. Grogan and Mr. Kriki.s attorney came before the Board regarding <br /> their subdivision on Meetinghouse Rd, They said they wanted to scrap <br /> that plan for s1f residences and make a new one ac carding to the By- <br /> Law which allows 3 units per acre for condos and start over with that e <br /> They will get in touch with Mr. Rowley. <br /> Petitioner: Resorts Development Inc . <br /> Submitted by: John Slavinsky <br /> Loca.t ion : �ui,naquisset &' Quippish <br /> Type of Plan: Approval Not Required <br /> Fee : $135. 00 <br /> It was an ANR of - lots between cranberry bags Motu�t Bay Condos . The <br /> Board signed It and he left 4 copies . <br />