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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOAR] M INUT BS: S-3-8 3 Cont`d Page 2 <br /> `d4 <br /> .I <br /> ...... .. .... ... MYA&". ......... '!npl9RloAHRe <br /> a thruway,,,,:-..,, Mr. wing -said the olivers were going to put their well there. Mr. Rowley <br /> said physically there may not be a road -but it Is recorded as a road. <br /> After much discussion -it was voted that the Board could not -sign the plan as it dial <br /> not conform to the requirements of an Approval. Not Required. It was directed to send <br /> a letter to the Town Clerk -stating same, Lots B & C didn't have the proper front age <br /> or area and Mr. Collins brought -up the f act that it's used as a way to get to Mr. <br /> Piper r s lot. <br /> The Board said before they could approve the plan they would have to put a note on <br /> it explaining what lots B & C are for- and they would have to indicate that it=s a <br /> way in existance. Mr, Rowley .said until the road is abandoned or discontinued, it <br /> should be labelled a road. Mr. Wing left 1 copy. <br /> The Board was informed that Joe Reardon '-found some problems with the Sign Code and <br /> so the public hearing is being postponed until September 7 but will still be in the <br /> special. Town Meeting. <br /> The Board went over the mail. and Earle Marsters read the letter from Joe Reardon re- <br /> garding the property of Mr. Weinberg, Mr. Marsters asked this secretary to find out <br /> how many zoning changes have been made since 1971 that would affect that area. <br /> The Beard unanimously voted Earle Marsters as the Planning Board rep- <br /> resentative on. the Design Review Cor,�mittee and asked that a memo stating <br /> such be sent to the Board of Selectmen. <br /> Mr. Rowley informed the Board that he had finished the sidelines of <br /> Great Oak Rd,, - from Redbro ok- Rd. to Nantucket Sound. He said the pave- <br /> ment isn't right. All the points are in he said and now they need <br /> to set the bounds. <br /> Mr. Marsters asked this secretary to write to the Dept ,, of Community <br /> Affairs requesting copies of Chapter 4 0Aand Chanter 41 for all Board <br /> members . <br /> Mr. Jonas made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Collins seconded <br /> ..,it and it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 9: 4 3 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Sandra L. Peters, Secretary <br />