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TLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M ashp ee <br /> lr)_ �2 <br /> Mr. Marsters said they could assume that if Mr. Pederson signed it he must have <br /> had the okay of the rest of the Board. He asked for a motion. <br /> Ms. Stone made a motion to ratify the signature of Mr. Pederson and Mr. Collins <br /> seconded -it and all were in favor of ratifying the signature of Mr. Pederson <br /> on a prior plan of land on Quaker Run Rd. drawn by David Greene August 196-1 <br /> P . <br /> and recorded in Plan Book, 165, Page 103 at the Barnstable County Registry of <br /> Deeds. <br /> . .......... <br /> Mr. Larry Hatfield was on the agenda but did not show. Mr. Collins informed the <br /> Board that Mr. Hatfield discovered that the covenant on- Lot 18 Industrial Drive <br /> had already been released and presented a copy of it, <br /> The Board said they are still 'looking for the revised landscape plan, rendering <br /> of the sign and the architectural plan of the building. They also wanted a <br /> g <br /> written -a reement that he would pave the road before- an occupancy permit Vi11 be <br /> given. <br /> Mr. Rowley looked at the profiles of Industrial Drive and said it has manor leaching <br /> P , <br /> its and f elt it -should be revised. Hie said he would like to alter it to drain <br /> off into the pocket .on each side. He, also wanted to know if he had to stick to <br /> the plan of 1973 or if he' can ask him to update it to the present, <br /> Mr. Marsters said'there#s no protection of subdivision rules and regulations. <br /> Mr. Rowley said they are protectdd for 7 years and Mr. Marsters said it's now <br /> lost since it's been 10 gears. <br /> Mr. Marsters restated he wants a written agreement to do the paving and prior to <br /> that, have approval of the drainage. <br /> Petitioner: Meadow Hagen Realty Trust <br /> Submitted by: John Sl.avinsky <br /> Location: Route 130 <br /> Type of Plan: Approval Not Required <br /> Fee: $105.00 <br /> Mr. Slavinsky 'said he eliminated Lot 7 and left the easement in for if and when <br /> a road is put in. He now has the frontage for the back ptece8 <br /> Mr. Rowley said he di.dn't see anything wrong with it and the rest of the Board <br /> felt all the requirements were met, <br /> f <br /> The Board approved and signed the plan. <br />