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PLANNING BOARD <br /> 'own of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BARD MINUTES,* July 5, 1983 <br /> MRAB ERS PRESENT: Earle Marst ers, Harold Collins, Richardson Jonas, Michele Stone <br /> MIMBERS ABSENT: Richard Terry <br /> CONSULTING 'ENGINEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> TIKE: 8:05 p.m. <br /> The minutes were approved and adopted for 6--1.5-83. <br /> Petitioner-: James Pomeroy <br /> Submitted by ee John -S Z avinsky <br /> Type -of Plan.R Approval No"irt Required <br /> Route 180 <br /> Location. . <br /> vinsk stated he was presenting an ANR plan for the lots fronting on Rte. 130. <br /> Mr. Sla y <br /> He said they weren't ready to submit a preliminary plan of the entire parcel so they, <br /> .are looking for an approval not required for the Lots fronting the street, for a <br /> total of 8 Lots. <br /> Mr, Marst ers questioned if there was- frontage for the back lot, Lot #8. It was <br /> determined it wouldn't have ,the frontage so they would have to eliminate one of <br /> the front lots to meet the frontage requirement for Lot 8. <br /> Mr.- Slavinsky said he's not looking for a building permit and it has the frontage <br /> according to state law. He said he's just looking for a Planning Board decis:i on <br /> and he said they have to declare it a subdivision or take no action at all, <br /> Mr. Marster s said it was an. ANR but it doe-sn't meet required frontage, so they can't <br /> sign it. He said it was up to Mr. Sl.avinsky to eliminate Lot 2 or Lot 6 ti <br /> Mr. Slavinsky said his other alternative is to have the Town. Clerk sign it on 'Friday. <br /> The Board said they -would send a letter to the Town Clerk stating it doesn't meet <br /> the requirements. Mr., Rowley said :got 8 has existing stractures on it so it would <br /> have to meet all zoning requi emen-t s and because it doesn't, a lot would have to <br /> removed to allow for frontage on Lot 8. Mr. Rovl.ey said he would look it up in <br /> Chapter 40A and call this secreL3ry pertaining to the letter to the Town. Clerk. <br /> Larry Hatfield and Ilan. Pal.iuca presented a Landscape rendering for Lot 18 on <br /> Industrial. Drive. The Board informed them the Board of Appeals said a Special Per:nit <br /> is needed. and they ha�ae to go before them. Mr. Paliuca stated they had gone to the <br /> Hoard of Appeals eals and they said a Special Permit was -riot required but only a cop; of <br />