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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpce <br /> PL-4N-NiNC BOARD M INUT ES: 7.6-8 3 Cont'd. P acre 2 <br /> the minutes of the Planning Board %gas needed when they had asked for the things they <br /> wan t e d. <br /> The Board looped over the plans and Mr. Marsters said the Board `#ould like <br /> t,o -see the gran-s pulled out to the street'-- to the edge of the pavement. Mr. Hatfield <br /> said he had spoken to someor.e at the Star`a barn on Rte, 1.51 and he was told he <br /> couldn't remove any trees snore -thail 21" in diameter. The Board found this strange <br /> and felt perhaps the-17 could be, of help %with. the State. <br /> Mr. Hatfield and Mr. Paliuca said they would attempt to follo+,v any recommendations <br /> as best they could. They said they would like to keep, the trees there as a -veil <br /> while the work is being dome and then they will do the landscaping, The Board said <br /> they didn't mind if they wait until the heavy work is. out of the way. <br /> Mr. Marsters said he would like the- sod to come to the street as far as they can but <br /> Mr,. Hatfield said he would be opening himself to a fine according to the State. <br /> Again the Board said they would try to help, <br /> There was discussion on the Board of maybe putting a -side-walk in sometime but Mr,, <br /> Rowley said the Town couldn't insist on putting one in without checking with. the <br /> State. Mr. Marsters said perhap-s. it was a thought for the Design Review Committee <br /> to consider the installation of sidewalks and whether on -the road layout or -on the <br /> prI V at a way, 4 <br /> Regarding the Dldns submitted, Mr. Rowley said due to .the radius on the pavement at <br /> the entrance, he felt the parking would be difficult as sho-►�. He also said they <br /> need to show the edge of the pavement -and what's going to happ-en to the drainage. <br /> Mr. Hatfield said they have more than enough area to straighten the parking. <br /> Mr. Marsters asked Mr. Rowley to check for parking spaces and asked Mr. Hatfield i f. <br /> he had and architectural ectural sketches and Mr, Hatfield said .-lo but it was going to be a <br /> pitched roof made of galvanized aluminum and the building would be tinted cement <br /> block. He said he had everything the firs-It. time -with 5 buildings and To,axz Couns et <br /> said that was out according to Zoning By-Laws a.nd so he went with 1 building and <br /> doesn't have the- plan for its.. He staled he thought he was her e for a release of <br /> covenant. Mr. Marsters said the Board of Appeals said they were in error before <br /> when they said .a special permit wain't needed. <br /> Mr. Ha:tfiel.d said he already got the building perm- it on the response from the Board <br /> of Appeals and now die's this far a:�d he's told he does need a special. per-milt. Mr,r, <br /> ,Paliuca went on to say they had a closing on Friday, 7/8, and said they did what they <br /> ::;mere told to do and they would like the proper papers to take to the bank. Mr. <br /> I,�arsters said the Board of Appeals would do their best to get things rolling <br />