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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpce <br /> PL_►&NNING BOARD MINUTES: 7-6-33 Cont'd Pa--ye 3 <br /> Mr. Jonas said the plan. was misleading and should shag the gravel. between. The <br /> two asphalt areas and show the drainage,, and thought -perhaps i t would be b.ett er <br /> to not have grav6l between and asked how the water will drain into the ¢.ravel,. <br /> Mr, Hatfield said they were asked for a la�zds c a, plan and -asphalt wasn't asked <br /> for and he thought the Board -was only concerned -with the landscaping on Rte, 28,y <br /> Mr. Mars t er s ''s t at ed .i t T.s aT Z part of the plan. <br /> The Board stated they wanted architectural. renderings of the building, rendering-s <br /> of the sign and the requested charragens of the landscape plan, then they could give <br /> the okay. <br /> Mr. Hatfield asked if it would be possible to get the release on .the lot before they <br /> complete the road. Then the Board can request the' oecupancy permit be held 'up until <br /> the road is completed. Mr. Rowley suggested putting a restriction that they'll ,[-)e <br /> r <br /> no access on Rte. 28. <br /> Mr. Hatfield agreed to pave Industrial Drive and he won't get an occupancy permit <br /> until. it'.s done. The Board agreed they can give biro •the release when he submits the <br /> other information reques t.ed a with the st1.pulation that it's released ror construction <br /> but no occupancy' aermit until. the goad is completed according to the Town's regu- <br /> lations. Mr. Rowley asked for -a goad profile df Industrial. Dr, and the Board felt <br /> there was some- on file and asked this secretary to check. <br /> s <br /> Mr. Hatfield said he got the cart before the horse and now hers caught up in it, He <br /> said he should have done all this before getting the building permit, Mr. Marsters <br /> said he understood but it was up to the Board of Appeals and -they just wart to see <br /> that -it's done right for the Town. He felt the Board of Appeals -would ,move it right <br /> along if it -meets with their approval. <br /> Mr, Hatfield :deft a copy of the landscape plan and was placed an the next agenda, <br /> ....... ....... . <br /> Petitioner: Stuart Bornstein <br /> Submitted by; Bill Weller <br /> Type of Plan: Approval Not Required <br /> Locatione, Riverview Ave. <br /> Pee: $435.00 <br /> Mr, Weller presented original Lot #12 now divided into Lots 13, 14� & It. There would <br /> be one building on each lot with a total of 29 units, This is Iasi phase of uotuit <br /> ;,Bay Condos. They wanted to create the Tots prior to the paving and base coat due to <br /> /the heavy equipment which would be rcuom-i <br /> ing in <br /> Mr. Marsters removed himself from -the deliberations <br /> f <br />