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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M as hp ee <br /> PLANNING BOARD,MINUTES: June 15, 1983 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Terry, Earle Marsters, Richardson Jonas, Harold Collins <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT: Michele Stone <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Scott Costa (filling i n for C. Rowley) <br /> TIME; 8:11 p.m. <br /> The minutes were approved and adopted for 6^1-83. <br /> Attorney Du .nirg, Marvin Blank and John Slavinsky came before the Board representing <br /> Quaker Run Trust. ,Mr, Terry removed himself from deliberations and Earle Marsters <br /> opened the meeting <br /> Attorney Dunning thanked the Board for putting them first on the agenda,. He said <br /> he was presenting certain other information that the Board had requested- at the <br /> last meeting. He said he spoke to the Fire Chief, Board of Health, and the Police <br /> Chief and they had no objections at this time. He then presented a revised plan of <br /> the project and a landscaping plan showing the entrance at Rte. 28 and -i.n front of <br /> a typical. building. <br /> Mr. Marsters said he wanted a plan of all the landscaping on Rte. 28 as it will be <br /> seen by people and .not just the entrance. Attorney Dunning stated it was all he had <br /> but he would be willing to comply with anything else called for. He went on to say <br /> the plans were done by Wayne Tavares and he' s suggesting a split-rail fence and <br /> brushing out the area behind the fence. Mr. Marsters said he felt it didn't create <br /> much of a favorable visual effect and he would want landscaping of the entire <br /> frontage to a depth of Zoo' and grassed to the edge of the road the whole length, <br /> and would start at the p av emen.t. <br /> Mr.- Jonas asked where the sign -was going and Attorney Dunning answered it would be <br /> in conformance with the by--law and sign regulations and would be placed inside the <br /> island <br /> John Slavinsky came before the Board to address the letter that had been sent by <br /> Charles Rowley at the last meeting: <br /> Parking: He said you can take out the last sentence as the Fire Chief sees no <br /> problem, Mr. Marsters asked if he had a letter to that and Mr. Slavin- <br /> sky said the Fire Chief was now in the Board of Appeals meeting and <br /> probably has it on him. <br />