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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Fawn of M ashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES: 6m l5w S3 Cont`d. Page 2 <br /> Sewerage: John Slavinsky stated the Town By-Law says the reserve has to be <br /> installed at the same as the primary area and he was goint to put <br /> the reserve in right away. It was pointed out that it"s the <br /> Board of Health Law and not a Town By-Law. <br /> Drainage: Mr. Slavinsky stated he made the revision asked for -by Mr. Rowley. <br /> Swimming Pool ,* Mr. Slavinsky said the Fire Chibi f saw no problem with it and <br /> asked .far a dry hydrant on the paved surface. The Chief wanted <br /> 60,000 gallons and they're putting in 64,000 gallons. He said the <br /> Fire Chief approved the capacity and location and the water has to <br /> stay .in.. <br /> Curb Cut: Mr. Slavinsky said they can`t build without that, <br /> Walkway: Mr. Slavinsky said he added that. <br /> Mr. Marsters suggested the Board take the plan under advisement pending landscaping <br /> plans. <br /> Atty. Dunning said this would be their 21s.t appearance before the Board of Appeals <br /> tonight and they would like to wrap it up tonight if they can work out the details, <br /> le wished to get the Board's ok with the stipulation of the landscaping plan. He <br /> 'felt this plan was more favorable than the plan in court. <br /> Mr. Marsters felt the Board needed one more meeting for them and the Board of Appeals <br /> to get together and have a working session. <br /> Atty. Dunning pointed-out that financing is favorable now and won't be forever so he <br /> would like to get it to a head. He said the Board of Appeals would be waiting for <br /> input from the Planning Board tonight. <br /> Mr. Marsters suggested that perhaps the two Boards could meet tonight after their <br /> meetings or at another time. He told Atty. Dunning to inform the Board of Appeals <br /> that the Planning Board is willing to consider to meet with them if they want their <br /> input and see if they are available. <br /> Mr. Blank asked if the Board would' rather- that they place a boulder in the island and <br /> have the name cut into it instead of a sign and they could just put up a temporary <br /> sign for sales. The Board said they had no objection to this. <br /> Mr. Blank stated they would have the -final landscaping plans in a few days with grass <br /> all the way across. Mr* Marsters felt there was still some problems with the parking <br /> design and that the Board of Appeals should add a statement that the owners would be <br /> `?nt it ely responsible for everything -going in and plowing, etc, <br /> Mr. Marsters added that they would have to submit road profiles. Mr. Slavinsky said <br /> C <br />