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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Ma.shpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES: June l 1983 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Terry, Harold Collins, Michele Stone, Richardson Jonas <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT: Earle Marsters <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Chatl es Rowley (absent) <br /> TINE: 8.:20 p.m. <br /> The minutes were approved and adopted for 5-18-83. <br /> Dan Paliuca and Larry Hatfield came before the Board for Lock-Away-Trust to ask <br /> for a release of the covenant on Lotl8 on Industrial Drive. They stated Harold <br /> CoIlins has a plan on the architectural rendering of the building as was requested* <br /> They also stated the lot across the street had already been releases <br /> The Board asked about the landscaping they're planning. Mr. Hatfield said they <br /> were going to have the front on Rte. 28 all grassed with a stone rip rap placed <br /> in the grass. Mr. Terry said the sketch they presented was one that can be done <br /> in 20 minutes and it's not what was meant by a landscape plan. It doesn't show <br /> a scale and he wanted a-rendering of what it will look like on Rte. 28. <br /> Mr. Jonas said Industrial Drive still has a binder on it. He questioned how they <br /> could have access on a road that's not even finished. Mr. Hatfield and Mr. Paliuca <br /> said they would finish the road beyond the point of access and the Board could <br /> make the release on that condition, The Board agreed that Mr. Paliuca and Mr. <br /> Hatfield would have to have the road finished to the access, have Charley -Rowley <br /> inspect it and they must submit a rendering of the landscaping. <br /> Mr. Pall"Luca asked if the work could be continued with the guarantee that it will <br /> meet the satisfaction of the Board. Mr. Terry said they don't have the final thing <br /> in front of them -* the 1 ands c ap ing. If they meet the condit ions, the lot will be <br /> released, <br /> Arnold Chase came before the Board regarding his preliminary plan of Whitcomb <br /> Landing. He stated he was coming in on a preliminary basis to see what the <br /> attitude of the Board was regarding the plan and opening up a discussion. He <br /> said he submitted the plan as a defensive posture but he thinks it's a special <br /> piece of land and orderly development should be done and this should be cluster <br /> development - a combination of cluster and larger lots. <br />