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PLANNING BOARD <br /> D <br /> Town of M ashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES: 6..I..8 3 cont'do Page 2 <br /> Mr. Terry said that's what Charley Rowley said and what other Boards would Like -to <br /> see. That' s what we want and can work on that concept. <br /> Mr. Chase said the plan submitted was for maximum development and he doesn't know <br /> how to procede from there. Mr. Terry informed him a preliminary is just to get <br /> discussion going and can be changed. He said the loo' setback from the river seems <br /> to be in place and 60,000 sq.ft. lots and asked if that's okay. <br /> Mr. Chase said he thinks it will be okay. He asked if he waits until he can do it <br /> ro erl wi .1 it go with present zoning. Mr. Terry responded that the Board will <br /> P p �'� <br /> work with him on old or new zoning in the spirit of cooperation. No one will rush <br /> g him if he <br /> thinks it isn't right, He won't try to suppress development ideas but <br /> he just wants it done right, and he asked him to afford the same spirit.:: He also <br /> said the Board of Health should be contacted. <br /> Mr. Chase said warren Flint who prepared the plan will come another time and will <br /> have preliminary plans drawn for cluster development. <br /> Petitioner: Phi1b ert Daley <br /> Submitted by: Phil Holmes <br /> Type of Plan: ANR. <br /> Location: Central. Rd. <br /> Fee: $45.00 <br /> The Board wanted to check on a former plan submitted the past year or two which <br /> showed some roads abandoned in the same area to be sure it was approved as this <br /> plan didn't show the roads. <br /> Mr. Holmes said he would bring a copy of the old plan to Mr. Collins. The Board <br /> signed the plan and told Mr Collins to give the linen to Mr. Holmes when he <br /> Presented the copy of the old plan. <br /> Marvin Blank, Attorney Kirrane and John Slavinsky came before the Board representing <br /> Quaker Run Trust. Mr. Terry stepped down and din't take any part of the deliberation <br /> as Attorney Kirrane is from his law firm. <br /> b <br /> Attorney Kirrane stated they have a case pending before the Board of Appeals relating <br /> to the validity of a Special Permit granted. to them in 1972 for a combination of <br /> multi' and single family housing on Rte. 28, near the Pilgrim' s Pride Nursing Home. <br />