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06/01/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
06/01/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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i <br /> PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES': 6-1-8 3 cont'do Page 3 <br /> They have presented a new plan to the Board of Appeals who suggested they come to <br /> the Planning Board to seek their input and report back to them on �the 15th of June. <br /> They are now proposing II.I. mul.t" -family units - 3 short of the original plan, and <br /> will have k unit less per acre than before. <br /> John S lavinsky responded to a letter sent by Charles Rowley regarding the project. <br /> There was a request made for a landscape plan and they have contacted a Landscape <br /> architect but didn't have it ready at the present time, but they will have it for <br /> the next meeting* . They-were proposing a grassed area with a split rail fence- and <br /> roses along Rte. 28, The plan will, also show the type of plants placed before the <br /> units- themselves e Regarding the parking - Mr. Slavi nsky said he felt it looked <br /> good d in f:q ont of the buildings. He said they are making the leaching R-,2 0 instead <br /> of R-10. They' don't have a ground water-problem and they won't leach all service <br /> water into the ground, it will be drained on site. Also each building will have <br /> its own well. He. also said he can't show a curb cut permit has been obtained by <br /> the next meeting* <br /> Mr. Jonas said he would like to have Charley Rowley see the new plans and explain <br /> it better to the Hoard. <br /> Attorney Kirrane said the Board of Appeals is going with the hearing on the 15th <br /> and he asked if they could be first on the Planning Board agenda on the 15th and <br /> then appear before the Board of Appeals. They would have the landscaping plan <br /> and John S l avinsky will meet with Charley Rowley in the meantime. The Board agreed <br /> Petitioner: Stuart Bornst ei.n <br /> Submitted by:- Stuart Bornstein <br /> Type of 'Plan: ANR <br /> Location: Riverview Ave. <br /> Fee: $45.00 <br /> Mr. Bornstein stated this is the last part of Cotuit Bay Condominiums.. He had <br /> gotten approval for 12 prior to this but hadn't done these at the time because he <br /> didn't know what size lots or buildings he wanted. Now he is planning one building <br /> on each lot which will each. have 8 units <br /> Mr. Jonas asked if the roads had been finished and Mr. Bornstein said he wouldn't <br /> put the finish coat on until he put the foundations are in due to the heavy trucks. <br /> He said Charles Rowley could inspect it before he puts the asphalt in, <br />
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