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05/18/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
05/18/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES: May 18, 1983 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Earle Marst er, Richardson Jonas, Harold Collins <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT: Michele Stone, Richard Terry <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> TIME; 8;10 p.m. <br /> The minutes were approved and adopted for 5-4-83. <br /> There was a public hearing for the elimination of a way by New Seabury Corp. <br /> Mr. Marsters took over the meeting as vice Chairman and read the Public Hearing <br /> Notice. Mr. Marsters stated it appeared they were taking an area of land out <br /> of the way and making it a buildable lot. <br /> Attorney rye, representing New Seabury Corp e , agreed and said there were no short <br /> range plans for the land but New Seabury wanted to do away with Plan #11408-74 <br /> and revert back to Plan- #11408--69 and make the corner lot 929B part of Lot 929A. <br /> Mr. Marsters asked if there was anyone interested in the plan. <br /> Mr. Tom Bartley in the audience said the way it was worded in the newspaper it <br /> sounded like they were closing up a road. Now that it had been explained, he <br /> understood it and had no desire to register an opposition. <br /> Charles Rowley pointed out that on. the previous plan #11408-69, Share Drive nest <br /> wasn't shown. He said Land Court should recognize that Shore Drive West is still <br /> in- existance and should be noted that they're going back to the previous plan <br /> with the addition of South West Drive. <br /> The Board took the elimination of the way under advisement. <br /> Mr. Meischeider came before the Board with a plan showing 57.39 acres on William <br /> Mingo Rd. He said. he would like to split the piece of land in half and keep the <br /> back part for farming -- about 25 acres and either sell the rest or keep 'it for <br /> later development <br /> The Board informed him that according to the plan, he wouldn't have frontage on a <br /> road as the road is on the adjacent property and not his. They said he could run <br /> an access road through his Land use the whose parcel but he couldn't subdivide. <br />
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