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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES: 5-l 8 8 3 C ont'd. Page 2 <br /> Mr. Meischeider presented another plan of land off of Great Hay Rd. and asked if <br /> that could be subdivided. The Board said no as it also didn't have frontage. on <br /> an -approved road. Mr. Meischeider said he was told that it had frontage on Route <br /> 28' but the Board said the plan didn't show it. They said they would have to see <br /> the corrected plan showing this before they could make a-determination. <br /> John Umina came before .the Board requesting a release of the covenant on Phase I <br /> of Quashnet Valley Condominiums. Charles Rowley said he had made an inspection of <br /> the road and said the drainage was alright but his only concern was on the bounds <br /> but stated it was okay as it would be maintained by the association. <br /> They told Mr. Umina he would have to type up a new covenant release form to get <br /> in'the wording he needed. He said he would and have it delivered for their <br /> signatures <br /> Charles Rowley presented a setter he wrote regarding the Preliminary Plan of <br /> Whitcomb Landing submitted by Arnold Chase. He asked that a copy be sent to <br /> Mr. Chase, the Board of Health and the Conservation Com is sion. <br /> He stated the plan essentially shows all that's required of a Preliminary Plan <br /> and -his comments are on the concepts more than i f•the plan follows the Rules & <br /> Regulations, He went on-to say the sight distance to the top of the hill at the <br /> entrance on Quin.aquisset Aver isn't good and they would have to bring it up <br /> between lots 5 & 6. <br /> He also said they have about 400' of road connected into one drainage system and <br /> this needs to be clarified. He feat they should take one or two lots for drainage <br /> areas, particularly where let's going out to the marsh and river. <br /> His biggest complaint is there's no open space - all the land is taken up by lots. <br /> He felt with the fact they have to go back loo' from the river and given that <br /> there' s no open space, he felt it was better for cluster development. <br /> Mr. Marsters f6lt the Board had enough to go on and could have a good discussion <br /> with Mr. Chase. He was informed Mr. Chase was on the agenda for June 1, 1983 <br />