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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M ashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES: 5-18-83 Cont t d, Page 3 <br /> The Board read a memo from the Board. of Health regarding the Whitcomb Landing plan <br /> and asked Mr. Rowley to send a reply-. The' Board felt the plan met the requirements <br /> for a Prelimimary Plan and what the Board of Health was asking for came at a later <br /> point as the preliminary plan is just for discussion purposes. <br /> The Board acknowledged the resume submitted by Wayne Tavares to become a member of <br /> the Board. it was decided the deadline to submit resumes would be at the next <br /> meeting of June 1, 1983. They would then go over the resumes and make a selection. <br /> The Board read the letter of resignation from this secretary. They asked her to <br /> recondider and perhaps come up with a better plan and let the Board know her thoughts <br /> at the next meeting. <br /> The Board read the letter regarding the need for an Environmental Impact Report <br /> on Quashnet Valley* Mr. stated they have rerouted the golf course off of <br /> the wetlands so they no longer needed the report. He said he will submit a letter <br /> stating this fact. <br /> The Board discussed thre,memo from the Selectmen's office regarding a Special Town <br /> Meeting to _fie held June 27, 1983. Mr. Marsters said the Board has to decide how <br /> they're going to approach the zoning change on Article 49. They could indefinitely <br /> postpone the Article in the Annual Town Meeting on the same night and have the <br /> zoning change with all its amendments taken up at the Special Town Meeting, They <br /> could have it all printed up in proper form and have Brian Barber deliver it. He <br /> felt they wouldn't have to hold another public hearing but it was up to the Board. <br /> The other members agreed to the plan of action stated, Mr. Marsters said he would <br /> spear to Joe Murphy, <br /> Mike Makunas, Chairman of the Board of Appeals, entered the meeting and stated <br /> Marvin Blank was now before his Board regarding Quaker Run. He wanted to know if <br /> the Planning _Board could meet with Mr. Blank, the Appeals Board, Board of Selectmen <br /> and Town Councel regarding the plan on Wednesday, May 25, 1983 at 4:00 p.m, The <br /> Board agreed to the meeting. <br />