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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD M INUT E S: May 4, _.19 S 3 <br /> MIM. BERS PRES ENT: Richard Terry, Earle Marst ers, Harold Collins, Richardson Jonas, <br /> Michele Stone <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Charles L,, Rowley (absent) <br /> TIME: 7:50 p.m. <br /> Brian Barber of Interchange was present <br /> ..... <br /> The minutes were approved and adopted for 4--20-83. <br /> Richard Terry read the public hearing notice for the Section I09 Sign <br /> Code of the Zoning By-Laws. He didn't -read every item as he said it was too <br /> l.engthly. He asked if there were any questions. George Benway in the audience <br /> questioned that the top of a sign can'-t be higher than 3' above the -horizontal <br /> line of land. <br /> Earle Marsters stated he was referring to a different code. He stated some of <br /> the sign by-laws conflict with what's in the village concept, Also the rest <br /> of the Board didn't have enough time to look at the sign code as they were trying <br /> to accomplish too much and hadn't had time to over each item. He suggested it <br /> be indefinitely postponed and brought up and reviewed for the next town <br /> He noted one of the problems was with free s t an.ding .signs allowed 5 0' back from <br /> the read wh-en buildings in the village center will be 'allowed 40' back from. the <br /> -road, meaning sign will be b ehi nd the building. It also doesn't define what a <br /> free standing sign is, and 3 sections in the village concept conflict 'With those <br /> in the sign code. <br /> Selectperson Jean Thomas stated the Building Inspector and herself got tog ether <br /> on the sign code. what's allowed in the village center was to be an overlay of <br /> what's in the sign code. She said the sign code being proposed now contains a <br /> majority of what is existing. There are some new additions but in essence it's <br /> practically the -same. She stated Town Councel had gone over it and Mr. Collins <br /> added that the To ni Councel had approved the whole thing. <br /> Mr. Marst ers -felt -it was a good st art but he sees problems and some people hadn't <br /> had a chance to read it. He felt the Board should have Looked at -it before Town <br /> Councel did. <br /> Selectmen will Hanson said he was confused as the notice said it was submitted by <br /> Dick Terry and yet there were members of the Board who have 'never seen it. He <br />