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04/06/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
04/06/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> FLANMG BOA TES: April 6, 1983 <br /> MMM3, PnS TTs Richard Te=y, ;merle farsters, Harold Co l.lins t Michele Stone, <br /> Riohardson Jonas <br /> 00NTjI+T!N1G ENG : Charles Le Rowley (absent) <br /> TIns 7:40-p.m. <br /> The minutes w er a approved adopted for 346*-8 3. <br /> Richard Terry informed everyone- this was Just a, P:Larmaing Board meeting with <br /> members of the Growth Committee for a working session with Brian Barber and not <br /> a public hearing. The public dear is scheduled for April 16 at 10 s GG -a.m- <br /> 'Ibnight they would be going through the zoning changes for the public hearing on <br /> the 16 th and the town -warrant* They were going through the whole proposal line <br /> by line* <br /> Peter Lawrence in the audience wanted to kn olm if the public could have a say. <br /> Iwo far sters f el t the public could par ticf ate and if there were problems, they <br /> could stop it even if it haA to be oontinued' for another to <br /> mra lawronee said he didn't want to stay around for 2 hours if he can't have any <br /> say in ite <br /> Richard Terry felt the public would have all day the 16 th if need be to ask <br /> clue s t ions and he didn't want to d epriv a other people who hadn't come ton t but <br /> would be oe the 16th. <br /> Mr. Kirener in the audience asked how changes could be made after the public <br /> hear g and 11r. Terry responded they could do it on Town.Yee t ing floor. <br /> Mr. Barber began going throes the Proposal and said it would set up a special <br /> protective district on the Qua shnet and Mas-b.pee Rivers. <br /> John Umina in the audience stated that Quashne t Valley had a Special Permit issued <br /> in 1974 to build near the Quashne t River and felt with this proposal they couldn't <br /> build theme. <br /> Hr. Terry said it was his and ers t end ing that there were ways to freeze zonf ng if <br /> the plan }gad already been filed. He felt they were getting into a legal problem <br /> but the Town has the power to zone. <br /> Nr. Umina, responded -they can't zone people out of business ands vas told if a <br /> zoning change was made at Town Meeting, the only way to change it was to Grote it <br /> out sgain at Town Neeting. He was told they don't have pro tec ti.on.. <br /> r. Terry disag end that they weren't protected as they already have a plan filed. <br />
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