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04/06/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
04/06/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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i <br /> PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLAxNnqG BOA IMINUE 5 s 4-643 Cont'd. Page 2 <br /> . Hmina .said he would like it put to Town Councel for an opinion. <br /> Mr. rar s tern felt if the build was er eons tru.c t ion then it was okay, but <br /> if no t o then you aren't protected unless you have a building permit and then <br /> you have 6 months to build. <br /> Mr. Terry said they're getter into individual situations and they can't give <br /> �i,vidua.l people advice -and -he d.i dn' t want the meeting to tarn into a public <br /> forum. -He said the Pl wining Board oan't advise as to whether a, particular pomit <br /> is valid. <br /> Mr. Umina, asked wby no t just el ate the area. MW a Marst ers said Quashne t River <br /> would come Ito greater d e t ail later and they s wul.d wait until them to discuss it. <br /> George BenvV asked what effect Section 5 of the zones laws has it it lies within <br /> the 300' barrier. He said he'a th king of 2 or 3 acre sits .-lets in -this area. <br /> ur. Terry -mod they can.'t act as people+a legal eo=oel and it'a nat fair to be <br /> put in that position* if they're wrong# they oval d come back and sue us. <br /> . �aoe said his observation was that it's not a zoning problem but deems it <br /> a t0% 4,"- acoording to the stage. He felt they should talk to Town Oounoel about its <br /> If it is a taki they should deal with it before public hearing. <br /> Mr. Terry said Town Coun cel has seen it and hasn't- said any thing w <br /> r s Barber went over Section 4.8. Mr. Hir seer asked if they had enough land if <br /> a person oan use it for both purposes ineen.tive zed commercial zoning. <br /> r. Barber said yes if they're god to subdivide and have separate .Lots. Fre, <br /> lWarsters felt it was a little too loo6e. They need :to know when and how a person <br /> des the choice - should it be when the definitive is brought in. He thinks <br /> it needs a as to when and how the mice is made. <br /> Mr. Kir sner felt suer the words en t i t a they should add " ► i thin any qualify" <br /> lot and in 6.2 they Mould add "absence of any Y or SP mews not allowed. <br /> Mr. Barber went on to explain R-4 and said it s a town house and apartment district <br /> surrounded by oommercial area, with a density of 4 units per acre for incentive to <br /> get housing built in tense area. R,*5 is a new district proposed with a low density <br /> and a M-In3.mum of 60,000 sqe ft. to offset population in R-4 as he didn't want the <br /> character of the Town to changso He said there would be about 700 dwelling a is <br /> under R--4 a reduc t ion of 700 would o c cur in R-5. <br /> Peter Lawrence wanted to know when does a chime beoom.e such a change that it <br /> requires a now public hearer as it's changed too much. He felt there would ld be <br /> 31 ehanges and wondered if they could go on-.:the Town Meet floor w ith 31. <br /> amendments. Brian Barber and Richard Terry said it a been done at town meetings <br /> in other towns* <br />
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