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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES: March 16, 1983 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Terry, Richardson, Michele Stone <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT: Earle Marsters, Harold Collins <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> TIME: 8:15 p.m. <br /> . FM <br /> The minutes were approved and adopted for 3-2-83. <br /> Executive Secretary Joseph Murphy came to ask the thoughts of the Board. He <br /> said the Growth Committee submitted an article for the Annual Town Meeting but <br /> the Planning Board said they wanted to hold the public hearing later in May, <br /> and have a special. -town meeting in June but there isn't a special town . <br /> meeting till possibly in the fall and the article is on for this annual. <br /> town meeting, <br /> He stated Town Council is reviewing the by-law changes now as all articles for <br /> town meeting are automatically sent to him. He felt there was time to have a <br /> public meeting and official public hearing to include abuttors and interested <br /> parties. He -asked if the Planning Board was going -to hold a public hearing <br /> according to the statute that requires it be held within 65 days of request, <br /> Mr. Jonas felt it was an important zoning change and it should be separate <br /> from the Annual. Town Meeting. He also said the Board hadn't discussed the <br /> bye-laws and he, questioned if the Board was still having a public meeting on <br /> March 2 6th. <br /> Michele Stone felt 'if it was put on for the annual town meeting it 'would be <br /> a farce. She felt other people besides commercial abuttors should have some <br /> input and everyone should be made aware of what the changes are and how they <br /> affect things. She felt some things were still not addressed, such affects <br /> on water and. sewer. She also felt it was an importat.t enough issue and <br /> deserved a special town meeting. She would like to have a public meeting and <br /> a meeting with the consultants prior to the public hearing. <br /> Mr. Terry said the Board had an obligation to hold the public hearing and then <br /> the Board can give their recommendations and state whether they're for or against <br /> it at the town meeting. He said they could still have meetings prior to the <br /> annual town meeting, He made a motion to hold the public hearing on Saturday, <br /> April 2, 1983 at lC:oC a.m. There was no second, <br />