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03/16/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
03/16/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of III ashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES: 3-16-8 3 Co nt'd. Page 2 <br /> Mr, Rowley suggested having the article at a special town meeting prior to the <br /> annual town meeting on the same night and delay the start of the annual meeting <br /> until this is dealt with <br /> Mr, Murphy sugg est.ed holding the public hearing on Saturday, April 16th at 10:00 a.m. <br /> so the Board could have a public meeting on April 2nd if it wants. <br /> Mr. Terry said they have to decide on a date for advertising purposes. <br /> Mr. Jonas said he had no qualms if they had it go to a special -town meeting as <br /> Mr. Rowley suggested and Ms. Stone said if they're legally required to hold it <br /> then they have to. She suggested that the notice specify that it's more than <br /> zoning changes and the affects on the people and the people have to realize this. <br /> Mr. Terry moved to have the public hearing on Saturday, April 16, 1983 at Town <br /> Hall at 10.•00 a.m. Mr. Jonas seconded it and Ms. Stone voted in favor. <br /> It was agreed to have the public hearing the 16th and have a working- session with <br /> the Growth Committee and Interchange at their regular meeting on April. 6th and, on <br /> April 20th they could review changes or clarify questions, Then they still have <br /> the 27th to meet _again if necessary. <br /> The Board postponed signing the Seabrook Village plan after the 20 days as no <br /> -representative was present and there had been a mistake made in the fee paid <br /> Rudolf Deas <br /> Route 130 <br /> Mr, Deas wanted to know if he could build a house at the front of his lot and <br /> -give a right of way on the deed for access to the rear, <br /> .Mr. Rowley said he would have to go the subdivision route and lay it out to see <br /> how much distance he has. Looks like enough room but doesn't know, <br /> r <br /> Mr. Deas said he was trying to spare money from getting an engineer <br /> The Board asked that he come back with a plan, even if preliminary, doesn't have <br /> to be full-blown., <br /> Mr. Deas said he would like to give a piece of land to his son in the back with <br />
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