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03/02/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
03/02/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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,�yIT F <br /> PLAN.■I G BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MIYU.TES: March 2,, j-96 3 <br /> =�MER PREMTs Richard Terry, Earle lf�arsters, Richardson Jonas, Michele - ton.e <br /> ERS ABSENT: H$xol.d Collins <br /> 0011 ULTI G �TG1NEER: Charles Lo Rowley (absent) <br /> TIME* 7:40 <br /> The minutes were accepted and adopted for 2,.16.-83. <br /> Mr. Terror i formed everyone that Brian. Barber of Interchange couldn't make it <br /> tomi ght as' pl.ann-ed but perhaps he could come the 16th. He said the Growth <br /> Committee had voted to have the Planning Board- hold a public hearing on Flarch. 26th <br /> for the proposed zoning changes for the grillage concept. He said the Assessor's <br /> are preparing a list of the abut fors. However he said he understood the Planning- <br /> Board voted at their last meeting: in which he was absent, against holding the <br /> pudic hearing aX ter they were directed to do so by the Growth Committee. <br /> . Blarsters replied the planning Board has to vote to hold a public hearing and <br /> they voted against it because they felt they needed more input from the public <br /> prior to a public hearing to make changes if necessary and the hoped to have a <br /> working session with the plarmers. He said they could still use the 26th as a <br /> public meeting for input from the public and have a forma,I public hearing later. <br /> r. Terry felt it was too expensive to notify abuttors twice — for the public <br /> meet g and public-hearing. He felt you could still make changes after the <br /> hearing. <br /> Yar. Benway in -the audience pointed out if changes are made at a <br /> public hears ng g another pub131-c hearing would have to be held before town. meetijag. <br /> Mr. Terry couldn't see going to the expense of pub li a notice in the news.- <br /> paper and by registered, mail. for 2 hearings and he felt there would be confusion. <br /> :if they're two meetings. <br /> Mr. blar at ers felt You didn't have to note people by registered mail but Mrs. <br /> Thomas said You ha,ve to notify abut for s 'by mail and pubs.ic 'not ice according to <br /> Miapter SCb. She also said if the Selectmen want the-Planning Board to hold a <br /> hearing they can direct them to do so. She felt the rangling isn't helping <br /> anyone. <br /> 11r. Terror said he felt Mx* lrrarsters wasn' t in favor of the plan and that 20 <br /> meetings were already held on it and the Growth Committee directed the Plying <br /> Board to hold a hearing and they should. Ile felt Earle -vas un.dermz.ning the <br /> progxam. <br /> 1�r. 1,�arsters sa,l.d he wasn.'t against the plan but there vv ere details that had to <br /> be wormed out, he felt a pub.Lic meeting should ,)e held t1ae 26th to make ci.anges <br />
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