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03/02/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
03/02/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M as hp ee <br /> PL01UNG BOARD EMq_!E3 V -2 -8 3 Cont t d. Wage -2 <br /> and get input of the public, then have a session with the planners and submit the <br /> whole -thing to Town counsel prior to a public hearing, Fle said he doesn't have <br /> any <br /> problem with the village concept except he's concerned with the sudden changes <br /> .in r e si d ent ia1. <br /> lugs. Stone said the Board voted against having a public hearing on the 26th ee ausa- <br /> ast -Growth me e tings it was agreed that at some' po i.nt there should be a public <br /> meeting for residents of -the town other than a`uttors. They have an interest <br /> and a, right to hear it at a public meeting where they don-' t feel hound Ivy anything, <br /> blo st people feel at a public hear:' everything is concrete and not for changes. <br /> She also didn't know 9 F just 2 people can plan the whole thing and she doesn't <br /> know_wh,y it has to go to' this town meeting. She f el t it should go to a. spo ci.a l <br /> town meeting to deal with just this. <br /> fir. Terry felt if It sits too long there'll be reason to rehash the whole thing, <br /> He said you can keep having more meetings on this and .it's not good to quickly <br /> assemble changes* <br /> r. Vasil .in the audience agreed With Yz* harsters and said they'll be rezoning <br /> a lame part of toy n and 9 of the people don't know about i t. <br /> ro stems and Mr. Jonas said all the people of the Town should he mv"it ed the <br /> 26th and be notified by newspaper and posting. <br /> Mr. Garland asked why doesn't the Growth Co ttee hold their meeting the 26th <br /> and let the pl.a=ing Board hold their public hearing at a later date and the <br /> Growth Committee will determine who and hov to n.o t ify for the 26th meeting. . <br /> r. Term made a motion that the Pl.ann:ing Board reconsider the vote they made at <br /> the last Plaxming Board meeting and have a, full-blown low. public hearing r= by the <br /> Planning Board -to be held. on March 26th as directed by Chapter 808. Then if <br /> agreed that an additional public hearing is needed, then do it. The motion <br /> �&� ' t seconded. <br /> Ids. Stone stated the reason whir she Is not seconding it is because at the last <br /> Growth Committee meeting they had just received the by-,Iays and the P1axming <br /> Board wanted to go over the by-law changes step by step. She didn't .feel <br /> knowledgeable to go to a public hearing, to make recommendations. She also felt <br /> Town Counsel should go through the by--laws. <br /> liar. Terry suggested they not have the 26th r.kee.t7 tag at all. but .in April when they're <br /> ready. Tyr. Marsters felt the Growth 00mmittee should vote on V"heth.ew to holdd a <br /> hearing on the 26th. <br /> I,rs. Thomas said- according to the mi,nu-es of 2/9/U3, the Committee had agreed to <br /> hold the meeting on the 2t)tn. They felt they already- Lai a mul t-tulle of mee t is s <br /> and land owners Imew what -�Y a s going on. They felt they should notify everyone <br /> and it was up -to the public. <br />
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