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BLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpce <br /> FLOV-11TiNG BOARD 101IMTES: Cont t d. Page <br /> . ........ . ... .. . .. ............. <br /> Mr. Marst ers felt on the residential side they haven't been made aware of it and <br /> they should be involved. <br /> Mrs. 1'h.omas' saia there should ne an agreement on the hearIng dates by whom and <br /> vj,ere. Ms. Stone felt a notice should. be publi-sled -to invite all the pub1J.0. <br /> A.-r. 14ar s t ears felt they should go 'with the 26 th. <br /> Mr. Terror said he was going to leave as he doesn't feel he's going to be productive. <br /> Mrs. Thomas said the Grow-th Committee said -to the Planning Board they would like <br /> them to hold a, public hearing on the -whole package deal and asked what the <br /> P1 Board is replying, <br /> Mr. .Mar st ers said the Planxiing -board suggested they go with the 26 th for public <br /> input, tl.en make changes, review line by lime, subs.t it to Torn Counsel, them <br /> schedule a. public <br /> Agir. Terri' left the meeting and Mir s. Thomas followed. <br /> Mr. Arnold Chase in the audience said the public is input made at prior Grolirth <br /> meetings hasn't manifested itself in, the plan. He spoke to Mr. Barber before <br /> and he said the plan was still conceptual and they hadn't even started to deal <br /> with the Problems. Mx. Chase went on to agree that they shouldn't rush with <br /> the public hearing and it should be dealt with at a special tow. meeting. He <br /> Was concerned "With the charging of 2 river zones and felt the 300' setback would <br /> be considered a, takJ ng according to constitutional case- lar' and he felt there <br /> should he a working session as was planned for tonight. He felt -they're dealing <br /> with important issues and it should be done fairly as far as notifying people. <br /> 11r. M-arsters stated he didn' t like the process - he Felt the planners were <br /> inflexible and he found a lot of errors. He felt some people- may lose their <br /> land due to the 3 0' zoaing. <br /> Mr. Garlaad felt due to the magnitude of the concept, it merits a.special town <br /> -me e t a.ri6r of its own and urged that they not put it in the annual meeting as they <br /> can lose everyone. He suggested a. special town meeting in June or July when <br /> there will, be more summer People to get involved. <br /> Xr. Anson agreed i't 'was too mu.oh f@r, the Dual town meeting and he felt to <br /> chax•ge too fast would be detrimental to the Tovn. <br /> Mr. Marsters felt the consultants weren' t working, for the pu blid as what the <br /> people suggested't reflected in the plan. <br /> That portion of the sae e ting vi as adjourned as nothing Vas resolved and ii ould <br /> require further di scusslon. <br />