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PLANN1NG BOARD <br /> Torn of M ashpee <br /> PLAIMUNG BOARD 1V- TTES: Cont#do <br /> Sri Mar ster s discussed what transpired at the, Growth Committee meeting and stated <br /> they -wanted the Plaxming Board to hold a public hearing on the Village Concept. <br /> It -was the unanimous vote of the Plwming Board members present that it was too <br /> soon as there were things they wanted to have clarified. They agreed to schedule <br /> a special meeting *with the Growth Review Committee and Int erchar e - i,t 'would 'be <br /> a working session* They also felt it should be presented to Town Counsel prior <br /> to a. public hearings <br /> ------------ <br /> The Board read an article pertaining to the Town of.Sand.-w creatir4gg a campground <br /> on their conservation land off of South Sandwich Rd. Mx- . Farst ers dictated a <br /> letter to the Committee stating the Planning Boards concerns and that they would <br /> like to be informed of what is going on and perhaps have a. representative on the <br /> committee. <br /> Charley Rowley presented a new profile plan of Seabrook Village's Surf Drive and <br /> said he and Bill Nye had come to an agreement with the drainage. In the first <br /> plan the drainage wasn't adequate. The plan was placed on file. <br /> It' vas noted that D.S.&B Realty had submitted a preliminary y plan for their public <br /> hearing -when they need a, definitive plan. M17r. Marsters said he 'would get zn <br /> touch with George Benway about it. �r. IRo ley took the plan to look over. <br /> Ys. Marster s asked this secretary to make a last of what John owes the <br /> Planning Board for the next meeting. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.m. <br /> Respectfully subm.i t t ed.,, <br /> Sandra, L. Peters Secretary <br />