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MINUTES of THE MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD OF <br /> August 1, 1979 <br /> At the August 1, 1979, planning board meeting, Christopher Burden, <br /> President of New Seabury, and Selma Rollins, legal counsel for New Seabury, <br /> were- present with a subdivision plan. New Seabury requested that the <br /> subdivision be approved as an Approval Not. Required. Ms. Rollins indicated, <br /> that in her estimation, a regular subdivision required s treets for <br /> approval to be required. Mr. Burden indicated as in the Brock Landing <br /> Association the single family lots were to act as a buffer as in Highwoo d. <br /> There was frontage on one side and access on the other side. Mr. Burden <br /> indicated on the August 1 plan that this .was a superior plan to what was <br /> offered in prior subdivisions. Mr. Marsters indicated that each approval <br /> was required, as proper frontage was lacking under the zoning by-law. <br /> Ms. Rollins indicated that under the special permit you did not need proper <br /> frontage according to the decision of Judge Nelson. "According to the <br /> decision of Judge Nelson," stated Ms. Rollins, "New Seabury under this <br /> special permit does not need to conform with the zoning by-law. Ms. Rollins <br /> indicated that Town Counsel Riordan had already agreed with her on the facts <br /> concerning this particular subdivision. Ms. Rollins indicated that she <br /> would go see Town Counsel tomorrow as she knew he would be in the Superior <br /> Court. Ms. Rollins asked Mr. Marsters whether or not he wanted her to get <br /> in touch with the Town Counsel and Mr. Marsters indicated 'that Ms. Rollins <br /> should give the subdivision plan to Mr. Riordan and explain the circumstances. <br /> Ms. Rollins indicated that she would check the law on the point. Ms. Rollins <br />