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further indicated that her son was the chairman of the planning board in <br /> Sudbury and that she would call h.-im to get an opinion about this -matter. <br /> Mr. Terry stated that he ins-is t ed that the representatives. of New Seabury <br /> come back to th_e -planning board at the next meet%-ng to review the <br /> situation in front of the full board. Mr. Burden indicated that the <br /> board needed two -meetings per month. and Mr. Blakeman asked or not <br /> work was -being held up waiting approval of the plan. Burden- indicated <br /> that an architect was contaced but the plans were. subject to change, by <br /> the architect. Burden indicated thzit not'having the approval by the <br /> board would stop the project from going into th-e next phase. Mr. Terry <br /> asked that a written 4ecision- be rendered by Town Counsel' on whether or <br /> not the. approval was required for this- particular subdivis ion. Mr. Burden <br /> agreed that a written opinion would be, a good' 'idea. Mr. Mars-tern then <br /> asked that a letter be written to Town Counsel Riordan enclosing <br /> th.e plan for his- review. Mr. Marsters said that we should pose the question <br /> to Town. Counsel whether or not the approval of th.e.' planning board was <br /> required where the lots do not conform to the existing zoning by-law-. <br /> It was further requested that Mr. Riordan render an opinion on whether <br /> the subdivision should be considered under the original special permit <br /> granted to New S eab.ury and, could come in under Approval Not Required on <br /> that point. Phillip Holmes was asked his- opinion and he stated that he <br /> felt that it could not ,b e Approval Not Required if the plan did not meet <br /> the- existing zoning by-law. Ms. Rollins indicated that under the' s-pecial <br /> permit that New Seabury was exempt from zoning. Mr. Burden also added <br /> that It would'b e a worse plan if submitted as a normal subd ivis-ion. <br /> Mr. Marsters also asked whether or not the old lots could be grandfathered <br /> in, as the- set backs were not proper. Mr. Marsters wanted to know from <br /> -2- <br />